Teach yourself to share a few servings of food - instead of the usual three meals a day, go to the six-time. The morning begins with a glass of water - drink it straight up in bed, you can chew a piece of bread. Very good suppress nausea drink with mint and lemon flavor, cranberry and cranberry juice, that is, everything that has a bit of a sour taste. At the first urge to vomit suck a slice of lemon.
Some odors cause abrupt nausea, so try not to be long in stuffy and smoke-filled rooms. Often ventilate the apartment and walk in the fresh air. If toxemia appears excessive salivation, then rinse your mouth with herbal decoction (mint, sage, chamomile). Take herbal teas and infusions inside should be only after consultation with the doctor, as some of them can trigger complications.
Toxemia during late pregnancy is fraught with complications and manifests itself in serious violations, so always require hospital stay. To reduce its manifestations, pregnant women prescribed protective regime, special drugs and watch until such time as the tests are not normalized. If you suffer from persistent vomiting, you should drink as much as possible - in small sips, preferably isotonic solutions.