Outside of pregnancy for the treatment of thrush usually prescribers for oral administration. They affect the entire body and help to cope with the infection regardless of the place of its localization. However, this treatment strategy can not be used in pregnant women as well as systemic antifungal agents have a negative impact on the fetus. Only after failure of local therapy doctor can pick up medicine for internal use, but this at least resorted to only in the later stages of pregnancy, when the fetus is completely formed and the risk of malformations in it is minimal.
Formulations as suppositories safest pregnancy. They act locally and has no adverse effects on the fetus. In the first trimester only allowed "Pimafucin" can then be used "Gyno-pevaril", "Livarol" and other drugs. In the last trimester of pregnancy, doctors often recommend sanitizing the birth canal. For these purposes, often defined as the "Terzhinan", effective not only for the treatment of thrush, but also influencing the bacterial flora.
In addition to local products recommended intake of vitamins for pregnant women. They enhance immunity, whereby the risk of recurrence is minimized. No less important is a healthy diet.
To combat thrush during pregnancy can be used folk remedies, for example, cleaning the soda solution (a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of warm boiled water). But as practice shows, the likelihood of relapse after such treatment is quite high.