Hormonal contraceptives are taken in a specific pattern. The first tablet should drink at 1 day or 2 days after the onset of the critical. But if for any reason it is not able to do, it is possible to start taking the pill on the 5th day. Later on the fifth day to start taking hormone pills can not be, because the risk of getting pregnant would be huge. It should be noted that during the first two weeks is necessary to use additional measures of contraception, since the risk of pregnancy remains.
Hormone pills are sold blisters, one missing exactly one month. Course admission appoints Dr. This can be a continuous intake, but can - with a break of 7 days. That is drunk pills for 21 days, then comes a week break, and again repeats the cycle on the 5th day of menstruation. Some drugs are sold with phony, then taking pills does not stop. This is done so that the woman did not forget about oral contraceptives.
Forget to take hormones impossible. If the reception of the next pill missed no more than 24 hours, contraceptive should be taken immediately. If passed more than 2 days, the drug should not be taken and, moreover, do not need to take 2 tablets at a time, or you may begin uterine bleeding. Use additional contraceptive measures until such time as the system is restored pills.
If after taking hormone pills became ill, symptoms such as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, you should immediately stop taking the drug and seek medical advice.
It should be remembered that hormonal birth control pills do not protect against sexually transmitted infections by, and only protect against unwanted pregnancy.