How to cope with toxemia

How to cope with toxemia
 You wanted a child, and then, finally, became pregnant. However, toxemia few clouds joy. You lost weight, pale, you find it difficult to perceive favorite food. Is there any possibility to cope with toxemia?
 Dreary state of nausea and vomiting in the morning - quite common first trimester of pregnancy. Early morning sickness itself is not terrible. But if he did not pay attention, believing that it happens at all, it can develop into preeclampsia. This is the second half of pregnancy toxemia, which is fraught with not only nausea, but swelling in the legs, high blood pressure and seizures.

The frequency of episodes of vomiting and intensity talk about how hard your condition. If you feel bad not more than 5 times a day, it is the first degree of severity. It occurs most often and usually adjusted balanced diet, taking vitamins and rational mode of the day.

If your sick of 5 to 10 times a day, we can speak of a high degree of toxicity. Be sure to consult your doctor. It is possible that you shown intravenous medications to cleanse the body and for the normalization of the gastrointestinal tract. In some cases the cause of the average degree of toxicity are autoimmune disorders (such as incompatibility with partners). The body simply rejects foreign cells. To stabilize your condition the doctor is obliged to appoint a special immunotherapy, especially if this is your first pregnancy. All of these procedures, you can go in day care or if you want to take a break from household chores that have not gone away, in the ordinary.

Severe toxicity - more than 10 episodes of nausea per day - this is a definite cause for immediate hospitalization. If you are not able to get to a doctor yourself, call "ambulance."

In some cases, morning sickness can be caused by the installation of the gravity of the psychological proceeding pregnancy. Therefore, be sure to consult with a therapist or drink without any sedation appointments.

In addition to medication (torekan, tsirukal, etc.) assigned to you in the antenatal clinic, try not to take anything else for relieving symptoms of toxicity. Remember: any folk remedies can only help a particular woman. And if some herbs help your friend, it does not mean that they will help you and, moreover, do not aggravate your condition.

Try to walk more, eat fruits and vegetables, take a multivitamin complexes for pregnant women. If nausea overtakes you only in the morning, put the bed apple or cookies to prevent stomach cramps.

Tags: toxicosis, the degree of struggle, the method