Subcutaneous implant is a single plate of dimensions 400 mm × 2 capsule or six circular 30 mm diameter and 2 to 4 mm each. The implant contains levonorgestrel, the female sex hormone. The mechanism of action of levonorgestrel is as follows: it inhibits ovulation, the fallopian tubes reduces contractility and causes changes in the endometrium which prevent the attachment thereto of a fertilized ovum. The hormone gradually released from the implant and the blood is kept constant concentration required to prevent pregnancy.
There is the so-called Pearl Index - an indicator that determines the effectiveness of this method of contraception. It reflects the percentage of women who become pregnant within a year on the background of one particular method of contraception. For subcutaneous implant Pearl Index ranges, according to various sources, from 0, 01 to 0, 3. The following figure only contraception by sterilization.
Implant sets doctor in an outpatient setting, the procedure takes 5-10 minutes. Under local anesthesia through an incision length of 3-4 mm plate or capsules inserted under the skin of the forearm, upper arm, inner thighs or lower abdomen. The choice of the site of administration depends on the willingness of women. Further, at the site of the implant is applied compressive bandage gauze and adhesive tape to prevent wound infection. After 48 hours, the cast is removed, and a small wound on the skin is sealed with plaster. After the introduction of the implant woman issued a document indicating the date of the introduction of the contraceptive, its name, the name of the medical institution in which the procedure took place, and the address of the entity name of the physician who established the implant. Also in the document is submitted following the date of replacement of the implant.
After the installation is possible mild discomfort at the injection site, which will disappear in a few days. The implant is not visible under the skin, it can only identify with the feeling.
Set contraceptive can be in the first 7 days of the start of the cycle, immediately after the abortion, 4 weeks after birth, if the woman is not breastfeeding, and after 6 weeks if breastfeeding. Levonorgestrel, which is part of, has no effect on lactation and on the child's body.
The contraceptive effect of the implant lasts from 3 to 5 years, the period depends on the manufacturer. Removal is carried out just under local anesthesia, reproductive functions restored within a year. The implant can be removed prematurely.
Like all medicines, at subcutaneous implant has side effects. These include headaches, breast tenderness, weight change, intermenstrual spotting. Most often undesirable effects appear in the first six months after installation.
There are contraindications to the use of this method of contraception: bleeding disorders, liver disease, ectopic pregnancy in the past, breast cancer, pulmonary tuberculosis.