Despite all the advantages, the reliability of the application, the high contraceptive effect, contraceptives can cause serious side effects and cause dangerous diseases.
Headache pill may be caused by migraine - this is the most common side effect. The list of contraindications to the use of birth control pills include: hypertension, heart disease, stroke, thrombosis, vascular complications in diabetes mellitus, thromboembolic disease, smoking more than 15 cigarettes a day over the age of 35 years.
If upon receiving contraceptives headache arose suddenly quite intense, accompanied by shortness of breath, pain in the chest, you should immediately call the ambulance. Precursors of heart attack, stroke, severe headaches are accompanied by nausea, shortness of breath, pain spreading to the left shoulder or across the chest.
When systematically arise pain should see a doctor. After a medical examination the doctor will prescribe other hormonal contraceptives or advise alternative methods of contraception.
Independently not only should not start taking oral contraceptives, but also sharply to cancel them. This can lead to severe hormonal malfunction and serious health problems. Therefore, the reception, and the abolition of the need to coordinate with your doctor.