World without glasses

World without glasses
 As a child, the word ophthalmologist that you need to start wearing glasses, sounded like a death sentence. In my head immediately swept a lot of hurtful words that are usually thrown to the four-eyes unconsciously question arises, "How to live now? ". However, eventually you get used to all the inconvenience of wearing a second pair of eyes. But the modern development of technologies provides many opportunities to get rid of glasses forever, why not use them?

The simplest solution - is to throw glasses and buy contact lenses. Vision problems they solve, but get rid of the hated points exactly help. According to distinguish the traditional mode of wearing lenses (suitable for wearing to a year), planned replacement lenses (replaced once a month or once every few months) and planned replacement lenses are often (disposable lenses or lenses that must be changed once a week). Also exist lenses which can be worn without removing over 30 days.

Optics offer a huge selection of contact lenses, different mode of wearing, design, and functions, so that even the most demanding "four-eyes" will be able to choose for themselves the best option.

A more radical method of getting rid of glasses is laser vision correction. It is absolutely painless surgery, the effects last only 20-60 seconds. Sight returns very quickly and within a few hours after the correction of a person sees much better than before the operation. Today it is the most effective way to correct vision, but it should be borne in mind that it is surgery, and there are some contraindications to the use of this type of vision correction.

There are also alternative methods of correcting vision. This, for example supplements or dietary supplements. They are not a cure, but it should be borne in mind that no clinical trials they do not pass. Vitamins contained in supplements that undoubtedly have a positive impact on the eyes, but the effect on visual function is not provided.

On the Internet you can find a lot of author's techniques to improve vision. They are usually based on the use of sets of exercises, massage, specific diet, meditation. The intensity and frequency of use of methods will affect the voltage reduction of the eye muscles. However, to obtain stable results should turn such a course in life.

Pinhole glasses also help reduce eye strain, but neither of nearsightedness, farsightedness or from they do not get rid of.

Whichever method of getting rid of glasses you choose, be sure to consult with a qualified ophthalmologist and make a comprehensive diagnostic examination functions of an eye. This will help to avoid mistakes and make the right decision in choosing a method of getting rid of the glasses.

Tags: glasses, vision, world