Women's Issues: thrush

Women's Issues: thrush
 Disease thrush, for scientific - Candida coleitis refers to fungal. Candida fungi exist in any healthy human body in its intestine. In case of violation of the fungus Candida vaginal microflora moved there, receiving environment for reproduction and the necessary conditions of existence. Manifests itself in the form of precipitates, similar in appearance, color and consistency of cottage cheese, hence the name of the disease.
 The reasons that cause thrush, doctors attributed the loss of immunity induced by various chronic diseases, including tuberculosis, diabetes mellitus, renal insufficiency. Exhausting diets aimed at rapid weight loss, and drinking large amounts of antibiotics also are the reasons for the appearance of thrush. Dangerous in this sense are periods of abrupt hormonal changes: pregnancy, menopause, puberty. Sometimes thrush is sexually transmitted.

If you notice the first signs of the disease - specific allocation, you should immediately see a doctor and get tested: pass smear on bacteriological, for culture and conduct DNA diagnostics. Starting with cheaper procedures, you will save money because the fungus Candida can be found in the usual smear. DNA diagnosis or PCR is carried out if the conventional survey methods showed yeast pathogens.

When the disease is diagnosed, then immediately start antifungal therapy given by your doctor. Even if you notice that the manifestations of thrush disappeared after a few days, do not interrupt the course of treatment and take medication for at least 12-14 days, because the life cycle of the fungus Candida - 12 days.

Since genital infection - secondary and is a consequence, find out what was the cause of this disease and eliminate it. Take measures to strengthen and enhance the immune system, stimulating him take drugs.

Revisit the issue of power, eliminate from your daily menu all sweet, flour, smoked, spicy, salty and greasy. In large quantities, eat fruits and vegetables, drink fresh juices, eat whole grain cereals. Your diet must be present dairy products.

It is very useful to wash the vulva natural unsweetened yogurt or bioyoghurt. They contain lactobacilli, which will help to restore the natural environment of the vagina.

Tags: thrush, problem, food, diet, disease, the environment, the reason