Why reduces leg

Why reduces leg
 With leg cramps in one degree or another, many people are familiar. If the legs reduces very rare, specific reason for the unrest is not. But if the cramps start to disturb more and more, should look for the cause of this phenomenon.
 Physiologically explain the occurrence of seizures is quite simple: one of the leg muscles is sharply reduced, but relax itself can not. If during any sport exercise (running, walking, cycling) or any other physical exercise reduces your feet, one of the reasons for this phenomenon may be insufficient oxygen or glucose in the body. Muscles while working actively use these substances so they dry out quickly.

Quite often, the problem of leg cramps occur in cold water - the muscles begin to shake, producing heat. On their feet during the voyage accounts additional burden as a result of oxygen and glucose very quickly squandered. Vledstvie this occur cramps. Reduction feet in cold water feels like a stronger and more influenced by the fear factor.

The cause of leg cramps during the night is usually a strong overvoltage calf muscles during the day (constant work on the legs, wearing uncomfortable shoes). Quite often seizures occur in people with flat feet. They need to carefully monitor their feet - not to overtax the muscles, to choose the most comfortable shoes.

The reason may be a night seizures and the lack of certain elements in the body. In addition to the aforementioned glucose, it may be deficient in calcium, magnesium and potassium.

Night cramps may signal the occurrence of diabetes mellitus, or be the result of vascular disease (atherosclerosis or varicose veins).

Reduction of the leg muscles and possible pregnancy. The main reason for this lack of supports various trace elements. In late gestation added another reason: it becomes quite difficult to wear big belly, leg muscles while experiencing increased load.

If the reduction of leg muscles happens very often, nutritionists recommend eating more calcium. It is found in foods such as cottage cheese, cheese, milk, and others.

In any case, with frequent seizures consult your doctor.

Tags: leg, pregnancy, night, the reason