Weak vessels: Stars and red spots

Weak vessels: Stars and red spots
 Weak vessels deliver a lot of trouble, especially when manifested in the form of stars and red spots on her face. A disease in which they occur is called rosacea. It can not be completely cured, but can be masked, try to avoid relapses and, if possible, strengthen blood vessels. Thousands of women around the world to successfully cope with spider veins in different ways, and you can handle.

Weak vessels are usually located close to the surface of the skin and are especially noticeable after a long stay in the sun, in the bath, eating spicy foods and alcohol. Also one of the causes of rosacea can be hereditary. Often lead to disease of liver problems, bleeding disorders and cross-veins. Asterisks may occur in women during pregnancy and after childbirth.

For the prevention of rosacea at home, use creams that contain vitamins and chamomile, menthol and mint, strengthens blood vessels. Apply the cream morning and evening on the affected area. You can use the regenerating cream, increases the overall tone of the skin or constricting regenerating anti-wrinkle cream. Daily water treatments try to do only with warm water. Do not use soap, it is excessively dry skin, use a better softening and moisturizing gels.

Try to lubricate the affected skin area aloe juice to be pre-soak in a refrigerator for several days. Do not worry if you feel a slight burning sensation, it will soon pass. Repeat every other day for about two weeks. After it should lubricate the skin nourishing cream. Can also be applied to compress the face of parsley. To do this, pour two handfuls of parsley cup of boiling water and put infuse for 15-20 minutes in a dark place. After strain the broth and dilute half milk.

Fight possible and spider veins by surgical intervention. Laser removal of vessels - the procedure is painless and simple, and its effects disappear after only half an hour after exposure. Also, the skin may be treated with a high-frequency radio waves and current. Spider veins disappear after photorejuvenation, which is not only struggling with aging skin problems, but also regenerates it.

In any case, before going to the beautician should consult a doctor. The problem of weak blood vessels may be deeper than you think, and surface treatment it will not bring the desired result.

Tags: spot, face cream jar, the problem asterisk, red, treatment, red, procedures, cosmetology, rosacea