Uterine bleeding: how to determine the cause

Uterine bleeding: how to determine the cause
 Uterine bleeding is one of the most common hazards that can trap a woman at any age. However, according to the observations of doctors and gynecologists, the most likely occurrence of uterine bleeding prone to adolescent girls and women who are about to begin menopause.
 Monthly menstruation, accompanied by the release of bleeding from the vagina, are observed in each of the fair sex after the onset of puberty, until the arrival of menopause. Normally, one of the knocks woman can lose up to 40 ml of blood.
Some women still others less fortunate, and hemorrhage have during menstruation may exceed 80 ml.

Measure the exact blood loss during menstruation, of course, impossible. However, noting the unusual intensity of selection, which most often is a sign of uterine bleeding, a woman should see a doctor who will prescribe the necessary treatment. Too heavy menstruation, even if it has become commonplace, and can also be a serious pathology that requires immediate medical attention.

Symptoms suggestive of uterine bleeding

• Less than 1 hour soak a tampon or pad completely.
• Isolation of a large number of blood clots during menstruation.
• Repeated replacement pads at night.
• Feelings of weakness, fatigue and weakness, and as a result - the inability to deal with the usual chores, attend work.
• Pain in the lower abdomen and waist area during menstruation.

The causes of some women standing heavy menstrual period has not yet been clarified.

Heavy menstruation occurring in women constantly, experts called dysfunctional uterine bleeding.
 The basic reason uterine bleeding occurring from time to time in some of the fair sex known for certain.

Causes of uterine bleeding in women

• Violation of hormonal levels. This circumstance is the most common cause of uterine bleeding in women who are in their teens, and those women who is about to begin menopause. The fact that the hormonal system in adolescent girls is not yet sufficiently debugged. At the same mature women are waiting for menopause contrary, it ceases to be a full-fledged operation. And in fact, in both cases there is a strong hormonal imbalance that can cause uterine bleeding.
• Diseases of the circulatory system, accompanied by a decrease in the number of platelets in the blood.
• Diseases of the thyroid gland, resulting in malfunction of the body.
• These women's diseases as uterine fibroids, adenomyosis, polyps.
• genital cancers.
• The use of intrauterine contraceptive devices.

Tags: time, bleeding, monthly, symptom, the cause