Treatment of herpes on the lips

Treatment of herpes on the lips
 Herpes on the lips of the common people called "cold," but between the itchy rash and this bubble SARS have nothing in common. The causative agent of herpes infection is a virus that latently present in the body of most people. Activating the weakening of immunity, stress or due to various systemic diseases, the virus manifests itself in the form of bubbles on the lips. Cope with herpes as you can with the help of folk remedies and medication.
 The most effective treatment is begun at the first signs of herpes infection. These include mild itching and unpleasant tingling in the area of ​​the lips. Progression of the disease can be halted if immediately lubricate the site of inflammation fir oil. To consolidate the effect is better to repeat the procedure several times during the day.

Good help propolis tincture. She can cauterize already formed bubbles. To avoid discomfort associated with drying wounds, after 10-15 minutes after application of tincture should lubricate the site of inflammation cream. Instead propolis tincture can be used usual alcohol, but the effect in this case will be less pronounced.

Help speed up recovery fresh aloe juice. It should be applied to the site of inflammation every 2-3 hours. The result will be seen on the second day of treatment. Similar effects have Kalanchoe juice, sea buckthorn oil and tea tree oil.

Cope with herpes on the lips will help ordinary ice. Wrapping it in a thin cloth is applied to the site of inflammation for 5-7 minutes. If you feel very uncomfortable during the procedure can be reduced.

If folk remedies do not help, you can use ointments or creams on the basis of acyclovir. As a rule, the bubble rash disappears within a few days of therapy. In severe cases, the reception will be more effective antiviral drugs inside, right before it is best to consult with your doctor about the dosage and treatment regimens.

During the treatment of herpes infection, it is important to observe hygiene. All procedures should be carried out only with clean hands, otherwise the chances of infection. From sharp and savory better to abstain. They will not only enhance the discomfort, but slow recovery.

Tags: lip, colds, cold sores, treatment