Traditional medicine against headache

Traditional medicine against headache
 Headache is not an independent disease - it is a symptom that points to the existence of problems in the body. When repetitive attacks requires a comprehensive examination and medication. In situations where the headache is caused by overwork or other, non-hazardous to health reasons, you feel better, you can use folk remedies.

Causes of Headache

One of the most common causes of severe headache is banal fatigue. Caused by lack of sleep, too busy schedule or even emotional overload, it can seriously impair health. However, this is not the only cause of the headache. It may also occur due to:

- Fluctuations in blood pressure;
- Changes in weather conditions;
- Stress and depression;
- Surge neck and back muscles;
- Colds;
- Intoxication caused by infection, alcohol, and other negative factors;
- Hormonal changes (for example, before menstruation or during pregnancy);
- Long stay in a stuffy or smoky room;
- Traumatic brain injury;
- Inflammation of the meninges;
- Pinched cervical nerve;
- Neoplastic disorders;
- Osteochondrosis.

To find out the cause of their own headache is not always possible, which is why when frequent and / or severe pain should see a doctor, get tested and designated specialist treatment.

Remove the one-time headache, you can use antispasmodics or analgesics, but herbal treatments and other traditional medicines are often less effective and thus safer for the body.

Headache Treatment folk remedies

Soothe headaches will help tea brewed from mint and lemon balm, taken in equal proportions. Tablespoon of the mixture to pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for 10-15 minutes. Ready tea should strain and drink until it has cooled down. As a rule, improved health for an hour.

A similar effect has tea and nettle oregano. Cooking it follows the same procedure as beverage balm mint and, better yet to take in small amounts - not exceeding 50-70 ml at a time.

Loosen headache, you can use menthol oil. To do this, rub it into the temples, forehead and back of the head. It is important to use oil in a small amount, as too pungent smell can lead to the opposite effect, and not only to strengthen the headache, but also cause nausea.

Warm milk with honey - a well-known folk remedy not only cough and headaches. It normalizes blood pressure, relieves spasm of blood vessels and has a calming effect. In a glass of milk, only one or two teaspoons of honey. Take this drink should be 100-150 ml at a time.

Get rid of a headache, you can use fresh cabbage leaf. It is necessary to scald it with boiling water and notched in several places with a knife so that he gave juice. After the sheet should be attached to the back of the head, forehead or temples (depending on the location of pain).

Cope with a headache and can help with lemon peel. To do this, you need to separate the peel from the pulp of citrus and attach it to the temples.

People with sensitive skin may cause irritation of the lemon, which is why you should not use the peel more than 15 minutes. The appearance of redness to lubricate the skin nourishing cream.

Headache that has arisen because of problems with blood vessels, can be removed with the help of ordinary ice. Need to wrap it in a towel, and then attach to the forehead or crown. Relieve cold vasospasm and ease the pain. Duration of treatment should not exceed 10 minutes.

Traditional medicine against headache

If the headache is due to stress the neck or back muscles, you can use mustard. Teaspoon of the powder should be mixed with a tablespoon of olive oil, then rub the resulting slurry in collar zone. This means you can literally "kill two birds with one stone": to remove muscle spasm and eliminate headaches. Rinse with mustard should be 15-20 minutes after the procedure, but with a strong burning sensation - for 5-7 minutes before.

To normalize blood pressure, you can use a potato and cranberry juice. It is necessary to mix them in equal proportions and drink a tablespoon every 15 minutes. Usually requires no more than an hour to headache eased, and feel better.

Get rid of a headache, you can use herbal baths. However, this method is good only if the pain arose as a result of fatigue, nervous strain, changes in weather conditions or degenerative disc disease. In the water at a temperature of 38 ° C, add the mint liter of broth and a few drops of essential oil of thyme. Lie in a bath should be 15-20 minutes. Alternatively, mint and thyme can be used pine extract. If the cause of the headache is not clear or is different from the above, it is better not to experiment with a bath, and use other methods of treatment.

Tags: means pain, headache, medicine