Problems and illnesses lips: advice and treatment for

Problems and illnesses lips: advice and treatment for
 The skin of the lips, as well as facial skin is a reflection of the general state of health of the person, what can testify beautiful color, smooth lips, no cracks and dryness.

Very often, the lips are exposed to negative factors, due to which there are problems and diseases of the lips.

One of the most common disease is an inflammation of the red border. The reason for this may be the use of defective or unsuitable to them lipstick or increased sensitivity to sunlight.

The fix is ​​to lubricate the skin of the lips greasy cosmetics that are suitable for your skin type. You can use vegetable oil or hygienic lipstick. At the first sign is recommended to use corticosteroid ointment 2-3 times a day. Considered sufficiently effective method of chamomile lotion.

A very common disease of the lips, especially in cold weather, is flaking and dryness, as well as their obvetrivanie. The premise here is primarily can be constant licking, biting lips, as well as a lack of vitamins. To prevent the formation of problems always carry a chapstick and be sure to use a different basis lipstick balm or cream. Should not be applied to the lips glycerin - it enhances the dryness of the skin and a red border.

To get rid of bad habits, can be applied to the lips bitter aloe juice or 1% - tion sintomitsinovoy emulsion. Chapped lips lubricated with honey or useful to soften the mask, prepared on the basis of wax. In 10 g of melted agent is gradually added so as ointments spermaceti, 30 g of almond oil, 1 g of boric acid, and 0 02 g of menthol. These masks are recommended in conjunction with a course of massage lips.

Uncommon fever lips caused by lack of vitamins, streptococcal infection or herpes. The affected area, which is the formation of transparent bubbles, you need to burn alcohol, and after disclosure lubricate antiseptic ointments.

Sometimes in the corners of his mouth and inflamed skin swells, causing cracks appear (or races). Recent sintomitsinovoy be lubricated with ointment and consult a dermatologist to determine the cause of cracking. Very often it is the host of food, therefore should be excluded from the diet of chocolate, spices, cocoa and spicy dishes.

With age, skin aging and lips, decreased activity of the sebaceous glands. Hence, on the face of wrinkles around the mouth, drooping corners or deepening nasolabial folds. Most effective in solving this problem is cosmetic techniques offered in beauty salons. Among them there is the chemical peel, meso or ozone therapy.

Age-related changes in conjunction with smoking may cause loss of the original color the lips. It also achieves good results ozone under the influence of which the skin of the lips is saturated with oxygen.

Tags: means, lip problem, recommendation, advice, disease, illness, treatment method