Numbness of hands: treatment and prevention

 If you stayed up all night, with his hands behind his head, and in the morning experienced some loss of sensitivity, as do the warm-up movements and with peace of mind to go to work. If numbness of the hands has become a regular phenomenon and does not depend on the posture in which you sleep, a women's magazine JustLady advises not to put off a visit to the doctor. Treatment numb hands a long process, and in the beginning, as you know you need to establish the exact cause of the disease.

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Among the major diseases that cause hand numbness doctors callcarpal tunnel syndrome. Usually this disease susceptible those who during the day to perform monotonous work in the same position. Most often it is working on a computer. In addition, patients may experience numbness burning sensation and even pain in the fingers (excluding the little finger).

Pain and loss of sensitivity due to the fact that the median nerve running along the carpal tunnel, pinched, adjacent tendons or as a result of edema. Initially, there is numbness in the morning after sleeping for some time patients can not hold small items, buttoning, and so on. D. Subsequently,numbness in hands and pain felt at night, which prevents the patient to sleep. In the later stages of trouble may occur during the day.

The phenomenon can also be caused byEndocrine diseases, degenerative disc disease of the cervical spine, trauma and inflammation in the joints.

Withouttreatment of numbness of the hands will not work, though good news for the patient may be that it can not spread further. If done right diagnosis, and therapy begun in the early stages, disease completely curable. If you do not pay enough attention to the problem, you may lose the ability to act in the patient hand.

Numbness of hands: treatment and prevention

Numbness of hands: treatment

Drug treatment may appoint a doctor, given the symptoms and diagnosis. Physiotherapy while also shown, but also depend on the diagnosis.

For selftreatment of numbness of handsCoupled with therapy, of course, doctors recommend regular exercise to help improve blood flow to the extremities. This can be jogging, aerobic exercise, even a simple morning exercise or walking at a good pace.

For training vessels recommended do these exercises and routines:

1. Lie on the floor under your neck enclose a small pillow or cushion. Legs and arms lift up (socks feet drawn on itself). In this position, perform shaking hands and feet for 3 minutes.

2. Lower the legs and hands in cold water, soak for half a minute. Then remove and dip in hot water at the same time. Such contrast bath should be done twice a day for 10 times. After completing the course you need to grind turpentine ointment and put on warm socks and mittens.

Numbness of the hands: the treatment of folk remedies

Traditional healers also not sidestep this issue. The simplest procedure, which can be used to purify and strengthen the blood vessels isdrink hot water. In the morning on an empty stomach is recommended to take a glass and a half of boiling water.

Or you can make the healing mixture of one kilogram of celery (greens and roots), the same amount of parsley root, 250 ml of honey and two lemons. All you need to mince, mix and taken on an empty stomach sutra two or three tablespoons.

Numbness of hands: prevention

Treatment numbness of hands is not fast, so it is logical to prevent the disease, if there is a risk. As already mentioned, we needexercise. As for the choice of training is also better to consult a doctor or even enroll in remedial gymnastics. The fact that some types of stress, on the contrary may aggravate the situation.

The second thing that needs your attention - vessels and joints. To maintain their health should abandon bad habits (smoking, alcohol), eating salty, spicy and too spicy. Should often eat fresh vegetables and fruits, herbs. Daily diet should be a hot meal.

In general, whentreatment of numbness of hands and attaches great importance to the prevention of heat. Need to dress so that the hands and feet in any case not freezing. Better to choose natural fabrics, so as not to provoke excessive sweating (and thus cooling).

If the work involves sitting at a computer or paperwork, something like that, be sure to take appropriate breaks in about every 40 minutes. At this time, it should do warm-up, waving his hands and rotate, stretch your hand.

In conclusion I would like to remind you thatnumbness in handsIn fact, not a disease but a symptom. Moreover, it may indicate not only that you are too userdstvuete on his monotonous work. It may also be a harbinger of stroke and other brain indicator of vascular disorders, diabetes, destructive changes in the spine and joints. So do not rely on our own strength,treatment of numbness of hands requires a professional approach, which can only provide specialist.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: gymnastics, disease, treatment, numbness, prevention, nemenie