Inflammation of the appendages: how to prevent exacerbation

Inflammation of the appendages: how to prevent exacerbation
 Inflammation of the appendages rather unpleasant disease, which is accompanied by severe pain in the lower abdomen, aching pain in the lower back, and general malaise. This disease, as, indeed, any other, it is easier to prevent than to treat later.
 Monitor your condition. When severe pain in the lower abdomen or irregular menstrual cycles, you should consult your doctor. In no case do not self-medicate.

Appendages to not bother you, you should first take care of yourself. It is known that inflammation of the appendages often blame infections, sexually transmitted infections. Carefully choose yourself a sexual partner and use a barrier contraceptive.

Hidden sexual infections are like a time bomb. Bacteria entering the body, lead to inflammation of the appendages. Not every woman is aware of the presence of such an infection in your body. So check yourself, consult a gynecologist, hand over analyzes. If you reveal the hidden sexual infection, then go through a course of treatment, which is assigned to you by the attending gynecologist.

Every six months in the hospital hand over a smear on the microflora and other infections.

Pick up the correct means of hormonal contraception to avoid unwanted pregnancy, because surgical abortion increase the likelihood of infection. But if the pregnancy is unwanted, and you have firmly decided that it is not going to give birth, try to avoid surgical method of abortion, stop your choice on a non-surgical intervention in the form of mini-abortions.

Observe good personal hygiene. Taking a shower, washes genitals "front to back" so as not to bring various infections of the intestines, which can lead to such disease as coleitis.

Dress for the weather. Always keep your feet warm and waist. Hypothermia weakened immune system passes into your body infection.

Strange as it sounds - eat properly. Do not lean on tea and coffee, give up the spicy food. Daily for breakfast eat oatmeal and do not forget about vegetables. Drink plenty of fluids.

Keep in mind that running an inflammation of appendages and delayed treatment can lead to infertility.

Tags: pain, an appendage, a doctor, inflammation, exacerbation, malaise