How to treat acute cystitis

How to treat acute cystitis
 Cystitis is an inflammatory process that occurs in the bladder mucosa. Acute cystitis occurs because of hypothermia, of infection, poor hygiene of genitals, etc.
 Inflammation of the bladder requires mandatory treatment as an acute form of blends in chronic disease. In chronic cystitis is a deep lesion of the bladder mucosa.

In acute cystitis, or suspected, it should ensure that the patient complete rest and drinking plenty of fluids (herbal tea, juice, fruit drink, mineral water). Under no circumstances should there be hypothermia, at the time of treatment should stop sex. Meals for acute cystitis is very important. Should abandon the hot and spicy food, as it irritates the stomach wall. Also not recommended to drink alcoholic beverages and foods, leading to constipation.

If a woman feels severe pain in the groin area, you must use candles with analgesic properties. To eliminate pathogenic microbes should be conducted antibacterial therapy, which consists of antibiotics and antihistamines. The problem of antimicrobial drugs - is to eliminate spasmodic symptoms in the bladder.

Depending on the results of urine and blood of a patient can be an appointment nitrofurans and sulfonamides, which effectively smooths the symptoms of acute cystitis and prevent repeated cases.

In acute cystitis treatment recommended heat. As a rule, it is warmer, bath. Warm water bottle applied to the area of ​​the bladder. Bath with decoction of chamomile, oak bark, St. John's wort should not be very hot, so as not to worsen the condition of the patient's body. But before the procedure you should consult with your doctor, as the absence of an accurate diagnosis thermal procedures are contraindicated.

Severe forms of acute cystitis (such as gangrenous) requires medical treatment under the strict supervision of experts.

Tags: cystitis, bladder treatment