How to restore the intestinal microflora

How to restore the intestinal microflora
 Healthy gut in humans is the key to a strong immune system. In the treatment of all kinds of antibiotics, primarily to take care of the intestine, because in this case killed bacteria contained therein, protecting the body from different viruses and infections.

The main cause of health or ill health of people is the state of the gastrointestinal tract. It becomes dirty from refined foods, the wrong combination of foods, unnatural drinks such as soda. Great eating chocolate, meat, eggs, cow's milk, cakes and pastries leads to constipation.

The food is well absorbed in the human body due to the beneficial bacteria. However, their ability to live suppressed harmful eating habits. Therefore, the food is not digested, it caked in clumps, clogging the intestines. An urgent need to take action, because the toxins begin to poison the whole body.

Violation of the biological balance between harmful and beneficial microflora in the intestines called dysbiosis. Imbalance in the microbial ecology of man leads to the wrong digestion, ie, splitting it into proteins, fats and carbohydrates.

Within 24 hours of food is not excreted decay products are absorbed into the blood, resulting in chronic intoxication occurs, the metabolism that leads to inflammatory diseases in many organs.

Dysbacteriosis the cause of allergies, asthma, anemia can lead to chronic fatigue syndrome and depression.

When dysbiosis, the following variations in the physical state: diarrhea or constipation; bloating; constant feeling of hunger; bad breath; deformation of the nails and hair loss; failure of the cardiovascular system; emergence of a large number of wrinkles; loss of skin elasticity.

When dysbiosis occurs as an imbalance in the mental state: sadness, melancholy; heavy awakening in the morning; resentment and increased aggressiveness; fatigue and feelings of fear.

To get rid of dysbiosis, restore microflora, you need to enter with food bacteria beneficial organisms. First of all, it must be made with milk products - fermented baked milk, yogurt, yogurt and acidophilus.

Help restore the beneficial microflora fruits and vegetables, which, falling into the intestine, accelerate reproduction of beneficial microorganisms. The growth of lactic acid bacteria contribute cabbage, carrots, garlic, apples, celery, parsley, beets, Jerusalem artichokes.

Tags: man, intestines, balance, flora, ecology, goiter, growing imbalance, acidophilus