How to recover from the flu

How to recover from the flu
 Since the flu is a contagious infectious disease that often produces complications to other organs, treatment should begin as soon as possible. You should also make sure that the therapy was adequate, and the disease does not disrupt the functioning of other organs.
 Take measures to prevent the spread of infection - wear a gauze bandage, use a separate bowl, relocated to a separate room. Dressings can be purchased at the pharmacy (buy disposable masks) or make your own, folded several times a piece of gauze. So you take care of your family and prevent the spread of the virus in the apartment.

From the very first symptoms of the disease, it is important to secure a bed rest - stay home, take cover with a blanket and avoid any exercise. Drink plenty of fluids - Drink should be warm, abundant and alkaline. Prepare teas, fruit drinks, herbal drinks, you can drink mineral water and juices. Watch the temperature of the liquid - drinks should not be too hot or cold, you just slightly warm water. Warm milk with honey or raspberry jam is an excellent antipyretic, as well as tea with raspberry or snowball. Consumption of large amounts of fluid is also necessary to remove toxins, which in the body during the activity of pathogenic bacteria, it becomes very much.

Take vitamin C - it increases the body's resistance, stimulates the body's defenses. You can drink ascorbic acid pills as instructed, or dissolve the tablet in water and drink instead of tea.

In the home medicine cabinet is very comfortable to hold several drugs against influenza ("Arbidol", "Rimantadine," etc.). Before the doctor comes, you can employ one of them, observing the dosage of age (do not forget to notify the doctor). Self-administration of other antiviral drugs can have the opposite effect, and do not need to take antibiotics at all (for viruses they do not work). In the case of bacterial complications therapist will make the appropriate appointment and prescribe appropriate antibiotics.

Ventilate the room regularly, in order to reduce the concentration of virus in the room. If the disease is accompanied by a cough and runny nose, then take care of proper humidification of air - close the battery with a damp cloth, turn the humidifier, etc.

Tags: flu treatment