How to get rid of varicose veins

How to get rid of varicose veins
 With varicose veins is facing a considerable part of the middle-aged and older. This disease is more dangerous its consequences, rather than over, because over time can lead to formation of blood clots or gangrene and sepsis. But to prevent its consequences should early treatment. And its success depends on regular and prolonged use of both medical and natural remedies.
 Treatment of varicose veins necessarily combined with daily exercises that promote venous outflow. However, their use is effective only in the early stages of the disease. Several times a day lying with their feet in support, do the exercise "bike", stand on the blades. And in a sitting position perform flexion and extension of the toes, as well as the tension and relaxation of the muscles of hips, moving with the patella.

To prevent the further development of varicose veins wear a compression garment, not from case to case, or in a certain (cold) season of the year, but constantly. It is much more convenient elastic bandages, which if not properly applying the bandage is able to further aggravate the disease.

In addition to the proposed physician medical treatment of varicose veins and use natural products. The absence of side effects from their use allows to treat varicose folk remedies for a longer time, which is important in order to achieve a positive result. And not to impede the elimination of the disease, eliminate all adverse factors - long stay on his feet, increased physical activity, flat feet. In addition, pay attention to their nutrition - enrich its products rich in vitamin C and E, essential for the strength and elasticity of blood vessels.

For grinding varicose sites use a third diluted apple cider vinegar. At the same time, take it inside (2 tsp diluted in a glass of water). Eat 2-3 cups daily. No less effective for grinding infusion of leaves of Kalanchoe. Washed leaves of the plant dry and in powdered form fill them half half-liter bottle. Pour the remainder of the vodka and put the bottle in a dark place. Within a week, periodically shake the infusion. The resulting lotion rub sore feet in the direction from the feet to the hips. Continue this procedure at least 2-4 months.

For lotions on the swollen veins using the pulp or juice of raw potato. Rub it on a fine grater and soaked in it or cloth wrapped potato pulp in gauze, apply it to the veins. Combine potatoes with lotions from the use of its juice inside (half a glass in the morning on an empty stomach). No less useful gadgets tomato - juice or pulp.

When varicose veins have a good effect bath with herbal decoctions. For their preparation brew boiling water 300 g branches of oak, chestnut and willow. Within 30 minutes, keep on medium heat. In the resulting broth, add 200 g of succession, chamomile and St. John's wort, and then leave for the night. The next day, soak boiling water 3 loaves of rye bread with broth and add it to the bath with water no more than 45 ° C. Take it daily at bedtime for 30-40 minutes.

For ingestion, use a decoction of hop cones (2, 5 tablespoons to 0, 5 liters of water, a glass 3 times daily before meals), pine needles (1 tablespoon at 0, 5 liters of boiling water, at half glasses daily). No less useful chestnut tincture. For its preparation pour 50 g of flowers chestnut 0, 5 liters of vodka, and for 14 days insist in a dark place, shaking occasionally bottle. In a strained Take 30 drops 3 times a day for 4 weeks.

Tags: means, varicose veins, extension, Vienna, treatment