How to cure cystitis

How to cure cystitis
 Cystitis - a fairly common condition that can occur in people of any age. Called cystitis bladder inflammation, most often suffer them women. This is due to the anatomical features of the body, because the ladies urethra wide and short. That is why women in the bladder infection gets much easier than in men.
 Treatment begins with compliance with bed rest. Also drink plenty of water and remove from its menu fried, spicy, pickled and spicy food. Call the doctor who will do an exam and prescribe antibiotics. In some cases, the patient is required and physiotherapy.

Do not self-medicate. Of course, you can take two or three tablets of the antibiotic, in this case, the symptoms of cystitis practically disappear. However, the disease itself will not go anywhere, but will occur in a latent form. Once you catch a cold, it again will be felt only occur in this case would be much more serious and complicated.

If you are pregnant, the treatment of cystitis performed by instillation of the bladder. During pregnancy, antibiotics are contraindicated, so that only an experienced doctor can save a woman from the signs and symptoms of cystitis. Delay the treatment of this disease during pregnancy can not, you must go directly to medical care.

Along with the medication can be used in the treatment and aromatherapy. Very well help many essential oils that have an antibacterial effect. Take a bath with the addition of ten drops of essential oils such as sandalwood, chamomile, eucalyptus, bergamot, lemon. If you have severe pain or discomfort, it is possible to lower part of the stomach to put warm compresses with a few drops of essential oil. You can not use oils during pregnancy.

Help with the inflammation of the bladder and infusions of herbs. If cystitis has no chronic form, then drink plenty of chamomile tea or decoction of Meadowsweet. Bearberry, which is popularly often called bear ears, is a very good natural antiseptic. It reduces inflammation in the urinary tract and is used in those cases where acidic characterized urine is too burning. To combat cystitis use garlic (inside). It will help in the fight against infection and clean cloth.

When you begin to feel pain, start drinking more water and infusions of herbs. Do not drink, do not drink a lot of strong tea or coffee, they will increase the irritation to the bladder mucosa.

If you are prescribed a course of antibiotics, then eat "live" yogurt, kefir, to recover the amount of beneficial bacteria. You can put fresh yogurt to the vagina and urethra opening is used as a topical treatment.

When the first symptoms of cystitis necessarily refer to the hospital. Remember that proper and competent treatment appoints an occupational therapist.

Tags: cystitis, bladder, treatment, inflammation