How to cheer up

How to cheer up
 The world around us - a mirror of our inner state. It is necessary to spoil the mood - and paint the outside world fade, the landscape becomes dull, and the very existence seems bleak and monotonous. Bad mood affects relations with other people, state of health, on the decision of some domestic problems and even the success in one form or another business. In other words, the inner spirit significantly affects the quality of our lives, so it requires careful monitoring. How can exercise control today and tell the women's magazine JustLady.

How to cheer yourself up. Smile

Oh, how many situations can significantly spoil the mood, we meet on a daily basis! Broken heel, crowded transport, bad buy, escaped coffee, approaching the critical days, a spot on your favorite blouse ... There are cases that can upset a woman for quite a long time? And we, of course, saddened, frustrated, and begin to spoil the real hard life themselves and their loved ones.

But such misfortune does not belong to the category of unmanaged things. Bring your mood to normal can be, even when around - continuous failures and capricious fortune does not want to smile, stubbornly turning aside. Maybe someone will seem absurd assertion of these things, but most of it and turns it because I do not want to see a sour face on our face. After all, the fate we create ourselves, and good luck enters only through the open gate! And even if they do not shut on our will, there is always the possibility of a little window open slightly. It's not hard, you just gather the courage to pull myself together.

How to cheer upIf troubles are continuous succession, and to provide some - some of them not offered? First of all, it is necessary to abandon the self-pity, so miserable, lonely, no one understood. Pity this kind causes from others only condescending sympathy or hidden schadenfreude, and, therefore, will only aggravate the state of internal discomfort.

It is not necessary to give up and exhausted, waiting all by itself back to normal. Started up to chance, of failure would greatly delayed, and as a result, bad mood is transformed into a deep depression, get rid of that without any professional assistance will be extremely difficult.

In short, we need to actively and decisively act even when the fate of the lumen and fiercely grinning front sight. Act with searching the winning option for themselves every detail, every moment. It is likely that the fate grinned deliberately, wanting to push us in the right way. Therefore, do not give in to despondency and boldly steps forward. After all, we belong to the whole world, and there Smiles great variety!

To begin to calm down, otherwise the heat of the moment, you can mess things up new troubles. Is there a good way to fix internal chaos. Try, in spite of everything, smile and hold a smile on your face for three minutes. It's pretty simple, and powerful - facial expressions of joy will automatically give the brain a signal of well-being, and he rebuilt the operating mode of consciousness to the positive.

Of course, a smile is not enough to cheer up instantly. Do one more step - get rid of the string of negative thoughts, letting them go free. Otherwise, they curl up in Kalachik somewhere in the corner of consciousness and, whenever possible, re-take possession of our being. Therefore, try to find someone who can complain to the vest without compromising his psyche. If a vest is not, tell you about the problems at her reflection in the mirror, or write out them on a piece of paper. This will enable logical understanding of the situation and allow you to see it in a different, more favorable light.

How to cheer yourself up? Dabbling in the pleasures

So, we smiled, reprimand, but to enjoy something still does not feel like it. How to cheer yourself up now? Armed with these tips: the decline of mood should strive to get as much physical and spiritual pleasure. For example, you can finally afford a good and tasty meal in pleasant surroundings. The threat of extra pounds in this case, let depart on the second plan. They can be easily eliminated by means of charging, which is also perfectly lifts the mood and tone.

Of course, it is undesirable to overeat all row - may cause nausea or indigestion. It is advisable to go to a restaurant and dine in the elegant, luxurious environment that promotes self-esteem and strengthen confidence. If this is not possible, you can arrange a chic dinner at home. It would be better if the table will meet cheerful friendly company - its energy will dispel gloom and melancholy. Good and dinner together with a loved one or close friend. However, even if it will take place in isolation - too bad. The main thing is that on the table there favorite foods and products that stimulate the production of enzymes of "happiness": pineapple, bananas, chocolate, walnuts, peanuts, strawberries, oysters.

In the same daily diet can include soybeans, oats, hazelnuts, sunflower seeds - they contain a high percentage of vitamins "optimism".

When a bad mood is very important and pleasant spiritual food that promotes the right mood. An easy read exciting books, listen to great music or just allow ourselves to wallow in front of the TV, looking at your favorite programs with a positive attitude. Despite the fact that the kitchen has a mountain of dirty dishes, and in the bathroom - a lot of indelible laundry. However, the laundry or washing dishes, if they are not the cause of this very bad mood, too, can significantly raise it. This applies to any physical activity. Therefore, we can run, swim, ride a bike, dance, wash floors, chopping wood, finally! In short, do anything to satiate tired of bleak and monotonous thinking brain sufficient oxygen and blissful experience physical fatigue, mental fatigue compensating.

You can arrange a dizzying shopping, voyazhiruya shopping and buying beautiful little things. If the funds to purchase them is not enough, just remeasure a lot of dresses and shoes, to admire the luxurious dishes or obzavedёmsya some amusing souvenir or toy.

Cause despondency and irritability may be accumulated fatigue.How to cheer up in this case? Forget about the endless worries and organize themselves most comfortable, relaxing stay. At the same time try to bring as much pleasure your body - pamper its pleasant relaxing bath and then placed into a clean fragrant bed and sleep peacefully as they want.

Excellent means of a bad mood - sex. He not only restores the hormonal affects our mood, but also allows you to feel loved and cherished, which, of course, is reduced to a minimum pessimistic.

In short, make every effort to create their own well-being. And let not worried conscience, and not grumble at that time loved ones. After all, picking yourself up, we try to create a base for psychological and domestic comfort, which all need.

 Olga Kocheva
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: mood