Hormonal disorders

 The state of the female reproductive system, its emotional and physical well-being depends on the hormonal balance in the body, from the absence of hormonal disorders. On existing hormonal disorders in women evidenced by the presence of such problems as the menstrual cycle, the inability to get pregnant for a long time, menopausal syndrome, a severe course of pregnancy and childbirth.

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Imbalance of hormones in the female body is the basis of a number of gynecological diseases and pathological conditions. Normally, at the same time functioning in the body male and female hormones must be in a balanced state. However, sometimes the sex hormone imbalance.

Menstrual disorders may manifest as lack of menstruation, very scarce or too heavy discharge, painful menstruation, or short-term.

To determine the presence of menstrual disorders based on its duration, regularity, as well as the overall health of women in the period before and during menstruation. On average, normal cycle length should be from 21 to 35 days.

The duration of the menstrual period varies from two to seven days. In this important regularity in the duration of menstruation. Available fluctuations in one direction or another indicate the presence of health problems, including hormonal disorders.

Alsohormonal disorders evidenced by strong painful menstruationSuch associated symptoms as a sharp increase or decrease in blood pressure, frequent dizziness, constant bloating, pronounced swelling, fatigue, general weakness.

All this makes it very likely to assume the presence of a woman's hormonal disorders. Hormonal disorders manifested externally. When an excess amount of male hormones in the female body, there is acne, excessive body hair and hair greasiness, the presence of stretch marks on the skin even nulliparous women.

Insufficient same amount of this type of hormones can trigger breast tenderness and excessive bloating during menstruation.

Quite often, hormonal disorders do not allow a woman to become pregnant. This happens due to the lack of the hormone progesterone, which contributes to the emergence and development of pregnancy.

Lack of progesterone can not affect the course of the menstrual cycle, and its presence is confirmed or delivery of analyzes on hormones or routine measurement of basal body temperature. No change in basal temperature indicates insufficient amount of progesterone in the female body.

Disturbances in hormonal background, women may be associated with her age. After 30 years, there is a noticeable decrease in the activity of the ovaries, which entails a lack of production of various hormones. If it is impossible to conceive may be given artificial correction of hormonal levels, designed to improve, with the help of drugs, the level of progesterone in a woman's body.

Hormonal disorders may occur during menopause. As a result, the age adjustment of the organism occurs cessation of follicular maturation and ovulation of the process. At the same time the production of hormones by the body occurs after cessation of menses.

If there are no hormonal disorders, the menopause occurs without any complications and without the presence of painful phenomena. In the presence of hormonal disorders there is such a thing as menopausal syndrome, which is accompanied by hot flashes, insomnia, irritability, nervousness, depressed mood, increased blood pressure.

Sometimes this condition is exacerbated pain in the heart, as well as pain in the joints, the so-called endocrine arthritis. In less severe climacteric syndrome appointed restorative procedures with moderate or severe forms may be given hormone replacement therapy, which includes estrogen, androgen, or a combination thereof.

Natalia Biatova

Tags: body, abortion, hormone, Rh factor, progesterone, disorder symptom, sign, lack, alteration, imbalance, balance, zhenschina