Everything about impotence

Everything about impotence
 Impotence (a more accurate name - erectile dysfunction) - the inability to achieve and / or maintain an erection necessary to meet sexual partners. Of all sexual disorders in men, erectile dysfunction is a leader.

The prevalence of erectile dysfunction varies in different age groups. During studies on Massachusetts on aging male (MMAS), it was found that this problem is encountered in 40% of men at age 40, 48% - 50 years, male, 57% - 60 years in men and 67% - 70 male year old. The frequency of impotence in men aged 80 years was 75%.

All of the causes of the disease can be divided into three major groups:
- Psychogenic - stress, neurosis, depression, strained relations between sexual partners;
- Organic - caused by lesions of blood vessels and nerves of the penis as a result of any disease;
- Mixed.

Erectile dysfunction is a psychogenic origin is found exclusively in only 10-20% of cases, there is often a combination of organic and psychogenic factors. There are a number of features that can distinguish psychogenic from organic dysfunction and mixed. These include the sudden appearance of a problem, conflicting relations between the partners, the preservation of spontaneous erections and nocturnal appearance of dysfunction only under certain circumstances.

In the case of psychogenic erectile dysfunction a man alone or with the help of a sexual partner may try to cope with the situation, but often requires psychological counseling, therapist or sexologist. Administration of drugs that improve potency, will not solve the problem.

In other cases, erectile dysfunction is caused by organic or mixed pathology. For the diagnosis of the disease used Ultrawave researches blood vessels of the penis, penile innervation testing, registration of nocturnal erections, study its sensitivity. However, these methods are rarely used, since conversation with the patient sufficient for diagnosis.

Treatment of erectile dysfunction is not psychogenic engaged mainly urology and andrology. In the treatment plan includes maintaining a healthy lifestyle, taking phosphodiesterase inhibitors ("Viagra", "Levitra" et al.), And herbal drugs (ginseng, ginkgo biloba, and others.). If dysfunction occurred as a complication of a disease, primarily treat it. With the ineffectiveness of previous methods used injection drugs in the cavernous body of penis surgery.

For the prevention of erectile dysfunction is necessary to play sports, to give up alcohol and nicotine, maintain a regular sex life, timely cure all diseases, and in case of any problems immediately contact a urologist.

Tags: potency dysfunction