Ear surgery (otoplasty), reviews, price. Complications after otoplasty

 Women's magazine continues to acquaint readers JustLady achievements of plastic surgery. Today we will talk about one of the most simple, but, nevertheless, important services - plastic ears - otoplasty. The ears are not the most important part of appearance - so say those who do this have absolutely no problems. However, those who are dissatisfied with their shape or excessive bulging think differently. How many emotions gives poor guy droopy ears as a child! Today, this problem can be solved once and for all, and the name of this decision - otoplasty.  

In the category Health: numbness of hands treatment

This operation is indicated in a wide variety of shortcomings shaped ears: congenital droopy ears, defects due to trauma, oversized pinna or ear lobe. To do such an operation can be as early as five to seven years, when the development of the ear cartilage is over.

The methodology of the plastic ears

Some time agootoplasty performed using conventional instruments. Now it is possible to carry out the correction with a laser. This surgery is less traumatic and takes very little time.

The patient make a few shots from behind the ear (local anesthesia), a small incision is carried out and the excess cartilage removed by laser. Then carefully sutured incision. The whole operation takes about an hour and the patient immediately discharged from the hospital. Pain afterotoplasty, reviews patients quite successfully eliminated with the help of painkillers.

Ifotoplasty held the child, there is a sense in a stronger anesthesia, in this case, the baby will be a day under the supervision of doctors in the clinic.

Types of otoplasty there are more than one hundred, but now used 3 main, named in honor of those who came up with these methods.

Ear surgery on Furnas involves removing scraps of leather behind the ear, then the cartilage "attract" to the temporal bone. This method is shown with droopy ears that would "squeeze" ears.

Otoplasty for mustard performed by making an incision along the rear surface of the ear cartilage. After that, the cartilage becomes thinner and fixed joints. Thus, eliminate excessive bulging and adjust the shape of the ear.

Etenstorm proposed another technique, when the correction is performed through small incisions (2-3 mm) and put the small joints.

In any case, a thin cosmetic seam behind the ear no one will see, and worry about it too.

Ear surgery (otoplasty), reviews, price. Complications after otoplasty

Examination before otoplasty

Before the operation, as well as before any surgery, you will be asked to take a survey: in addition to standard analyzes, will be made pictures of their ears measurements. Also, the doctor will find out all about the features of your body (for example, clarify whether misuse scar tissue), allergic reactions, and the like.

Contraindications to otoplasty normal, as for all plastic surgery: a bleeding disorder, acute infectious diseases, etc. Also, surgery is not indicated for chronic ear infections.

Rehabilitation period

Since the operation is performed under local anesthesia and minimal interference, no special rehabilitation period is required. Patient afterotoplasty is a special bandage for a week, a month and it may be necessary to protect the ears during sleep.

There are no special restrictionsafter otoplasty is not provided, but contact sports better for a while not engaged (up to 6 months). All this will tell you in detail the doctor during a consultation.

Depending on the type and method of intervention, patients are considered able to work the next day or in 5-7 days. This figure depends primarily on the state of health of the patient, pain that, in the opinion, continue a little longer and do not cause great anxiety.

The final result can be estimated in about 3 months. Sometimes six months may require a small additional correction. In any case, we must bear in mind that no one experienced doctor can not give you a guarantee that afterotoplasty your ears will be exactly the same.
However, for the same patient reviews, unhappy with the results virtually none.

Ear surgery (otoplasty), reviews, price. Complications after otoplasty

Complications after otoplasty

Percentagecomplications after plastic ears is extremely low, about 0 to 5%. Complications include suppurative processes, discharge of cartilage, the occurrence of rough scars, etc. As practice shows all this is due to the peculiarities of any organism (which seeks to find a doctor before surgery), or neglect those uncomplicated rules that must be followed for some time after otoplasty.

Otoplasty: cost of operation

Average cost of operation from 30 to 50 thousand rubles (both ears). This number depends on the degree of correction and complexity and, of course, on the package, which are included in this value.

Otoplasty: reviews

If you are interested in surgery for correction of ears, you can see reviews of our otoplasty is online women's magazine JustLady.

Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady

Tags: Ambassador, forum, cost, plastic, review, complication, operation, fitting, correction, otoplasty, ottoplastika