Dysplasia: symptoms, treatment, prevention

Dysplasia: symptoms, treatment, prevention
 Hip dysplasia - a violation of the formation of his bone and cartilage in utero, which leads to disruption of the locomotor function of the limb. Most often this disease affects girls and children in the womb of a breech presentation.
 The causes of this disease are several. They may be infectious diseases mother endured during gestation, endocrine disorders, lack of trace elements and vitamins, especially calcium, as well as heredity. Doctors are 3 degrees of formation of dislocation of the hip. First - dysplasia, femoral head is located in a depression, but is lower or higher than usual. The second - a subluxation, head in the same place and at the first stage, but to be higher than in dysplasia. The third stage - dislocation. At the same time the femoral head goes beyond depression.

The successful disposal of the disease can only hope for early diagnosis and appropriate treatment. The signs can be regarded as revealing asymmetrical pleats on the buttocks and thighs, their different number. Put your baby on his stomach, reduce the legs together. Restriction hip abduction, can also be considered a symptom of the disease. Place your baby on your back, bend your legs at the knee and hip, out to the sides (the frog). Angle dilution should be not less than 90 degrees. Symptom of "clicks". In this case, if you have planted his feet "frog", you will hear a click. Consult your doctor if one leg shorter than the other, knees are at different levels.

With early detection and treatment of disease strongly expressed, you can restrict a wide swaddled baby. In more severe forms of use special tires, spacers and other devices used gypsum. Performed gymnastics, physiotherapy, massage. When there are very strong disturbances, operative treatment. In any case, you should see your doctor regularly, do not self-medicate, eliminate trips to different chiropractors.

Prevention of dysplasia in the first place is to prevent pathologies of the mother during pregnancy, and timely visit podiatrist.

Tags: joint treatment dysplasia indication prevention