Color Therapy for Women's Health

Color Therapy for Women's Health
 Color therapy has been used since ancient times. The use of a particular color in the treatment depended on human disease, as well as his mental state. Modern scientists proved that colored rays have a positive effect on the course of various diseases. Particular attention is paid to color therapy for women who are planning and already waiting for the baby.

The choice of colors in the interior and clothing, color preferences are not accidental. Researchers believe that a reason more women like this or that color. The choice depends on what color is currently not sufficient in the aura. Female body needs the color, which is essential for energy balance. The state of the latter depends largely on the mental and physical health.

Everyone knows that each color has its own meaning. Surround yourself with objects of a particular color or visualizing it, you can improve the health, emotional balance. Thus, the red color has long been associated with sexuality, passion, creativity. He has a tonic effect, relieves sadness and longing. It is recommended for women in need of love and warmth. With red can cure colds, but in hypertensive patients it can cause an attack of irritation and anger.

Orange is associated with the harvest and prosperity. It is recommended for women to increase lactation. It helps positive mood, relieves fear and depression. Orange is useful to women during menopause, infertility, suffering from sexual disorders.

Yellow positive effect on digestion, skin, nervous system. He energizes and joy, helps to quickly assimilate new information makes it possible to clearly and think clearly.

Most harmonious color - green. It helps to ignore the negative emotions, calms, adjusts to the peaceful mood. Green - the color of determined people, stability and harmony. It is recommended for women with high blood pressure, headaches.

Blue - the color of peace and tranquility. He adjusts to sleep, so it is recommended for people suffering from insomnia. Blue color helps to relax and rest, casts reflections.

The blue color is useful for women with endocrine diseases. It has a positive effect on the brain, bones and the upper airway. Its use in the treatment of bronchitis, asthma, renal diseases. This color is the most effective pain relief.

Violet is used to treat very carefully. It may cause depression. Purple shown at internal inflammation, diseases of the brain, supports the immune system. He reveals the hidden abilities of a person.

Color therapy involves the exposure of the body in different ways. This can be a meditation, taking the colored water, which is charged by the rays passed through the glass the desired color, wearing a matching color or content in the interior.

Tags: color, health, woman, selection, treatment, color therapy