Caution: treatment through the Internet!

Caution: treatment through the Internet!
 Internet - a storehouse of invaluable information for the experienced user. This specialist can easily separate the "wheat from the chaff." But most people get their information from the network using popular search engines, focusing on the rankings. These people are not able to verify the authenticity of the information and expertise of the author. They rely on the integrity of those who post information. Of particular danger is treated via the Internet.

Treatment with the help of the Internet, however, is technically possible. Sometimes it involves communication with a specialist directly. Some US doctors already offer advice to everyone online.

However, this issue is still causing controversy among experts. The method is not widely used, because any doctor understands that accurate diagnosis and effective treatment is necessary to direct contact with the patient.

But the temptation to get an easy way to solve the problem for the patient is very high. Relying on the recommendations posted on the Internet by unknown authors, some of them try to treat and even heal others.

The risks faced by itself decided to try these tips, it is very large. Sometimes, the cost of such a trust can be a person's life. Confirmation of this is the death of a little girl who was trying to treat the mother on the advice of friends from the community who do not want to see a doctor.

The information obtained in this way in the network, does not guarantee the accuracy of patient information posted. And the user can not always weed out commercial or simply illiterate materials, what a great variety of stores at various "medical" resources. This is especially popular recipes or concerns related to the sale of various additives.

Of course, information bureaucracies, in this case health, can greatly simplify the lives of Russians. And the course taken by the Government on the implementation of this idea, naturally finds support among the population. But under the proposed program of the Ministry of Health, while the number of electronic prescriptions only extract (since 2011). In the future we plan to offer an appointment to a specialist with the preparation of a complete database of physicians (2020).

This approach allows us to protect people from such dubious offers as treatment via the Internet. Since it is impossible to get a really high-quality treatment without a visit to the doctor and do the necessary research.

Tags: internet, help, treatment