Causes of bad breath: oral hygiene

Causes of bad breath: oral hygiene
 Halitosis deters people of the opposite sex, creates a barrier when communicating with colleagues, interferes with your career. And indeed your whole charm offset by the presence of such a defect. How do you properly engage in oral hygiene that odor was not there?

Let's start with the simplest things that need to comply with all the modern people in the civilized world. Teeth cleaning must be at least 2 times a day (morning and evening) for 3 minutes. In cleaning needs not only outside of the tooth that is visible to others, but also internal, which also are pieces of food. Buy a brush, which allows to reach all remote places of the oral cavity. It is also desirable that the toothbrush was not your pad for cleaning the tongue, as the bacteria that remain in it after ingestion can cause halitosis.

In addition, it is worth to buy dental floss, which can be used after every meal to leftovers do not go between your teeth until the evening, when you can brush your teeth.

To eliminate halitosis also logical to use rinse the mouth. Currently on the market there are quite a few manufacturers of this product. It is advisable to choose such rinses, as part of which there is no alcohol and alcohol-containing products. Thus you will protect your mouth from possible burns and Protect your children that could accidentally drink a freshener, from the sad consequences.

The cause of bad breath can also be problems with the gums. Visit your dentist and ask him the reason for the presence of your halitosis. If you have a gum disease, your dentist will recommend you a special treatment and give you some tips about proper oral hygiene.

In addition to diseases associated with the gums, cause of halitosis can be diseases of the digestive system. If you suspect a disease of the gastrointestinal tract, should be examined. After it you will write your treatment of diseases, if such will be the case, and to cope with them, you can maintain good oral hygiene classical methods.

Tags: reason, hygiene, cavity