Bulimia belongs to the category of mental illness. The boundary between the low culture of eating behavior and this disease is very thin, which is why most patients too late aware that they have a serious problem.
Food becomes bulimic this fetish: they can not give up the delicious dishes, and in some cases ready to eat anything. Resist and stop in time - it's not about them.
The main reason for bulimia - a dissonance between the desire to look good and plenty of food you want to eat. Patients with bulimia behave inappropriately: they absorb food in incredible numbers, and then seek to get rid of eaten, harassing your body artificially induce vomiting and enemas.
Immediately after the attack overeating they suffer from bouts of guilt as long as eaten not leave their bodies.
The consequences of bulimia can be scary obesity or exhaustion, hormonal disruptions, intestinal ulcer, gastric rupture, cancer of the digestive tract, and in some cases - death.
Without special treatment, combining a combination of psychotherapy and medication methods, patients with bulimia do not.
Rudiments of bulimia can be seen at an incorrect attitude to their own style of food. If you have a few days or weeks of strict diet and exercise regularly, and then breaks down and start eating everything, returning gone pounds - is the first symptom of impending bulimia.
To prevent this disease, to make clear power mode, configure useful dietary habits. Treat food as an art, and if the absorption of food in large quantities cause you disgust.
If, however, the disease has overtaken you, do not try to deal with it on their own, but rather