Coleitis may be asymptomatic, but often accompanied by pain in the lower abdomen and sukrovichnymi secretions due to an excess of red blood cells, or yellow in color, due to the presence of pus. This leads to irritation of the skin on the inside of the thighs, lower sex drive, as well as severe itching in the vagina and external genitalia.
Chronic coleitis prone to relapse, accompanied by copious. Fungal infection isolation cheesy, white, and if they are frothy with a fishy smell - that indicate the presence of Trichomonas vaginitis.
If you suspect the presence of vaginitis should contact the reception to the gynecologist. Specialist, using a pelvic exam, diagnose disease. Vaginal mucosa becomes loose, inflamed, gets painted red. Senile (senile) coleitis addition to swelling of the mucous patches are observed, it is atrophic, pale shade.
Vaginitis can contribute to long-term use of antibiotics, endometriosis, vaginal trauma during delivery, improper hygiene of the external genitalia. Agents of the disease are opportunistic bacteria such as streptococci, staphylococci, E. coli and others. The most common pathogens are Trichomonas, as well as fungi and viruses.
A good method of investigation has established itself colposcopy. You can use it to find cervicitis (inflammation), bleeding is observed in contact with the vaginal mucosa. Gynecologist takes samples, the results of which can judge the presence of an acidic or alkaline environment in the vagina.
If coleitis appears frequently, appointed by bacteriological examination and cytological examination. With the help of a special tool is scraping with cervical mucous and sent for analysis. According to the results the conclusion about the presence or absence of cancer cells. Spend bimanual and rectal examination.
To identify complications vaginitis appointed pelvic ultrasound, which are diagnosed inflammatory diseases of the uterus and others.
Treatment is carried out comprehensively appointed special preparations, such as Terzhinan, antibiotics, antifungal agents, regulated diet, you should avoid eating sour, salty, pungent, to include in the daily menu of dairy products. Also, for the entire period of treatment should be excluded sex and physical activity.
With the help of a decoction of chamomile and calendula made douching, but it is not the official methods of treatment and their use should be discussed with your doctor.