The herpes virus is an intracellular infection, so the immune system is unable to cope with it. The virus not only hides inside the cells (nerve and blood), there also is its active reproduction by the resources of the cell. The peculiarity of the herpes virus that it penetrates into the nerve cells that then spread along the nerve fibers, thus affecting the entire nervous system - both central and peripheral. The immune system in this case is only partly able to delay further multiplication of the virus, herpes so for a long time may be in an inactive state, waiting weakened immunity (hypothermia, acute respiratory infections, and others.) And it can be shown in full.
Keep herpes under control is possible, though it is difficult. The most successful treatment of herpes in the complex, which includes the simultaneous use of:
- Antiviral drugs that destroy the virus and blocking its distribution;
- Immunomodulators;
- Ointments for topical treatment.
However, these measures proved to be effective, they must be taken at the first signs of outward signs of herpes.
As prevention of herpes can be vaccinated. The frequency and dosage of antiviral injections are determined by the severity of the disease and the general state of the organism.
In addition to the tools of conventional medicine, there are also various folk remedies for coping with herpes.
Folk remedies for the treatment of herpes simplex:
1. Places rash moisten aloe juice, drink and 1 teaspoon of aloe juice before every meal;
2. Moisten bubbles Kalanchoe juice herpes;
3. A tablespoon of sage make a glass of boiling water for 20 minutes, strain the infusion, cool and then use for regular mouthwash.
Folk remedies for the treatment of herpes zoster:
1 tablespoon of peppermint pour 200 ml of water, boil the grass in a water bath for 15 minutes, 45 minutes after removal from the water bath and strain broth lubricate them rashes;
2. Take a bath with sea salt.
See a doctor is necessary if the rash of herpes simplex:
- Extensive and affect large areas of the skin, especially if the rash appears next to the eyes;
- Suppurate;
- Switching to the oral mucosa;
- Are accompanied by an increase in temperature.
In periods of acute illness sick person should try as little as possible contact with the others, so as not to pass the virus on. Also, the patient should use separate utensils and hygiene items.