How to relieve the pain in the spine

How to relieve the pain in the spine
 Almost every faced with back pain of varying intensity - from simple discomfort to serious cases requiring emergency medical intervention. The cause of pain may be carrying heavy loads and high physical activity, constant static pressure of the body, hypothermia and many other factors.  
 Such pain in any way unpleasant, but the strong man is not something that can not work - to maintain body position becomes difficult.

What do you do if a sore back?

Firstly, in order not to aggravate the situation, you need to follow certain rules of conduct: it is impossible to raise heavy objects, within a week you need to lie as much as possible to reduce the load on the spine, from the food you want to exclude all salty. Also, if a localized pain in the lumbar region, while there are a variety of urinary disorders and fever - it is necessary to visit a doctor because it may not hurt the spine and kidneys.

 If pain - chronic, can not do without the support of orthopedic tires, corset or bandage - depending on the location of pain. These devices help at work, on the road - but wear them all the time is impossible, otherwise the muscles begin to atrophy.

From pain medicines, etc. can be applied topically in the form of medicines irritating ointment ("Kapsikam" "Finalgon" et al.) And mustard plasters, ointments or inflammatory nature ("Hondroksid" "Voltaren emulgel"). Ointment should be applied to the spine at the site of greatest pain, just to do with mustard plasters that are put on 15 minutes.

If the pain is strong enough to take additional analgesic agent such as "Ketarol" "Baralgin" or drug with anti-inflammatory effects - "Ibuprofen" "diclofenac". In addition, other and further designate auxiliary agents: the B vitamins, are responsible for the conduction of impulses through the nervous system, and calcium preparations with vitamin D3, which contribute to better performance of the muscle fibers.

In chronic pain, the diagnosis is known precisely, you can use the popular method. Need to grate horseradish and put it on the night, tied in cheesecloth or a bandage on the affected area of ​​the spine, then cover with foil and horseradish further tie a scarf. After some time the use of back pain recede.

With back pain should see a doctor for an accurate diagnosis and proper treatment of the complex.

Tags: pain, spine