How to get rid of infertility

How to get rid of infertility
 Increasingly in recent years, young families are faced with a terrible diagnosis: "infertility." For many, this sounds like a death sentence. However, most of the prospective parents is not upset and tries to find ways to get rid of infertility.
 From a medical point of view, infertility - the inability of the body of a mature adult to conceive and bear a child. This diagnosis doctors can put in a couple if pregnancy does not occur, the couple during the first 2 years from the onset of sexual activity without the use of any means of protection. If such a situation is observed, doctors conduct the necessary research, prescribe medications and watching. In an ideal scenario, the treatment must give its fruit, and the couple gets a baby.

As a special treatment using hormonal preparations - tablets suppositories, ointments, etc. All this should take special courses and doses, otherwise the effect will not be. Each tool is aimed at eliminating a particular failure in the reproductive system of a young couple. In some cases, surgery is shown.

Young themselves trying every way with additional funds to get rid of this terrible diagnosis.

The first advice that give women know grandmother neighbor - to pray. There are a number of saints, which is "responsible" for the onset of pregnancy, women's health, etc. One of them - is the holy Matrona of Moscow. Very few people have not heard about what going to turn her relics.

It also happens that pregnancy does not occur because of some psychological problems of potential parents. In this case, you must first carry out the appropriate treatment, which will help to remove the protective barriers, then pregnancy occurs almost immediately. The main task - to find a competent professional who can help you to solve this problem is soft, delicate and not too long.

It is often used for alternative healing and traditional medicine. For example, it is believed that the miraculous properties in this matter have St. John's wort, plantain, quinces. From them prepare tinctures, squeeze the juice, etc.

Another miracle recipe looks. Take crushed plantain seeds and beets, flowers perestupnya and red carnations, as well as grass hare cabbage and St. John's Wort. All this is taken in the proportions of 50 grams of each agent and thoroughly mixed. To this mixture, add 40 g of crushed kirkazona and pomegranate seeds. Here is 100 g and 200 g knotweed sage, as well as 20 g young roofing. All mix, take 3 tablespoons of the mixture and half a liter of boiling water brew it. Insist need 30-40 minutes, then drain and start taking. Drink such agent twice a day after eating the same doses. The course of treatment - 2 months.

Tags: method of treatment, drug, medicine