How to eliminate nasal congestion

How to eliminate nasal congestion
 Nasal congestion may occur with a cold, allergies, due to dryness of the air, and for other reasons. In any case, it is difficult to breath and a lot of inconvenience. Deal with the problem by using the pharmaceutical drugs, and can benefit from the experience of traditional medicine.
 Nasal congestion caused by colds, independently passes for 5-7 days. If discomfort pursue a longer time and are accompanied by headache, sleep disturbance and decreased ability to work, you need to see a doctor and find out the cause of illness. Finally, we can only get better after a course of therapy chosen wisely.

With a cold nose may be washed with saline. It briefly eliminate congestion and facilitate nasal breathing. At night, better to use vasoconstrictor drops or sprays "Nazivin", "Tizin", "Sanorin", "Xymelin" and others. They have a lasting effect, however, can be addictive. Therefore, treatment of these drugs can not last longer than 4-5 days.

If the cause of nasal congestion is allergy should avoid contact with the substance that causes it. In addition, it is necessary to help the body, taking an antihistamine. Better if the choice of remedy will help to make a doctor.

Warm steam allows you to quickly deal with nasal congestion. Heat the water in a pan and breathe on it. To enhance the therapeutic effect of adding to the liquid a few drops of eucalyptus oil or even use water instead of the usual herbal decoction (chamomile, peppermint, St. John's wort, etc.).

Excellent remedy for nasal is Kalanchoe. Squeeze the juice of its leaves and drip it on the nose. For the first time, only one or two drops. When inefficiency can increase the half. No less useful and aloe juice. It not only facilitates respiration and helps fight infection.

If the cause of nasal congestion is an inflammation of the paranasal sinuses (sinusitis, sinusitis) without antibiotic therapy is not likely to do. But the timely conduct of medical treatment to avoid complications and protect against more serious interventions.

Tags: nose, runny nose, nasal