How to cure psoriasis

How to cure psoriasis
 Psoriasis or psoriasis, is a viral disease that is manifested by itching and rashes on the skin in the form of bright red and pink spots. Faced with this disease, you can not achieve full healing can only try to reduce the frequency of relapses.  
 Treat affected skin with salicylic, zinc ointment, tar or other drugs, the components of which have a resolving action. Weekly change the drugs used to prevent skin irritation.

Do decoctions and infusions of plants such as chamomile, calendula, juniper, aloe, Chaga, sage, tansy and series. Pay particular attention to herbal medicine in the fall and spring. Such prevention will reduce the frequency of exacerbations and reduce the number of psoriasis lesions.

Take advantage of these therapeutic methods such as solar and thalasso, balneotherapy and aerotherapy. Regularly receive medical treatment in seaside resorts. Spend more time outdoors. In the summer sleep with the windows open. Often use the sauna.

Take pine baths. Dissolve 100 milliliters of natural pine extract 200 grams of water. Pour the solution into a bath in which the temperature of the water does not exceed 37 degrees. Take a bath every day for 15 minutes for 20 days. Preparations for medicinal baths can also be used birch buds, mustard, valerian, sage, and flaxseed. Check with your doctor about the possibility of using essential oils and herbs.

Take control of your diet. Limit your intake of fats and digestible carbohydrates. Include in the diet foods rich in proteins. Once a week to arrange a fasting day and do tubeless tyubazh. Do not eat after 19 hours. Compensate for the lack of nutrients in the body, taking preparations containing folic and ascorbic acid, vitamins A and B.

Exercise. Naladte correct schedule. Do not use in high humidity and temperature. Avoid exposure to harmful chemicals. Timely treat chronic infections and viral diseases. Avoid stress and undue stress on the body. Remember that alcohol, even in small doses, contribute to the exacerbation of psoriasis.

Tags: psoriasis, prevention