The disease may start as suddenly, for no apparent reason, and after repetitive difficult to treat colds. All depends on the level of immunity because it own immune cells and this lead to the development of the disease. With the penetration of irritants (allergens) into the body with asthma human immune cells secrete a substance which not only compete with the allergens, but also cause bronchospasm and subsequent to this inflammation.
That is to defeat asthma, we must first win the reaction of their own body, and make it very, very difficult. Therefore, doctors usually treat asthma does not, and its consequences, ie,.e. struggling with bouts of breathlessness and inflammation through a variety of hormonal and bronchodilator drugs. And also how to live so that the disease as long as possible in a state of remission, t.e. did not disturb any human manifestations. To do this, carry out activities to limit the penetration of allergens into the body, so that the reaction to them was minimal or non-existent - accustom the body by means of procedures consistent sensitization. This occurs as follows: the stimulus is placed in the body during increasing doses, ranging from that to which the immune system is not sensitive - and adjusted to the actual preserving immunity nechuvsvitelnost. It is very effective in attack, which provokes tree pollen or pet dander.
Also very important is the right attitude - if relates to asthma positively as givens, it is subject to the above measures will not interfere with an active lifestyle and allow to do what he likes.