Strong cheesy discharge can cause well-founded suspicions of your partner. However, if we are talking about thrush, not the other diseases with similar symptoms, there should be no misunderstanding. Among the causes of the disease - poor diet, stress, pregnancy, goiter, and many others. Thrush can appear in a child, and women who do not have sex.
Myth №2. Thrush easily cured one tablet.
Treatment of candidiasis with just one pill - a great publicity stunt successfully supported marketing of medical concerns. Of course, effective medication immediately relieve the symptoms of thrush, eliminate unpleasant discharge and relieve itching. However, in most cases inevitable relapse. To get rid of the disease for a long time, you should always consult a doctor, who will select the right drug and the dosage regimen will be. Moreover, before starting the self-medication, you should make sure that this is really a thrush and not some other disease. After treatment it is also advisable to apply the medicine to restore vaginal microflora.
Myth №3. Thrush can be considered any selection.
This is a common misconception can have serious consequences. Thrush is characterized by white cheesy discharge, accompanied by itching and burning. But similar symptoms can have a range of gynecological diseases, such as trichomoniasis, bacterial vaginosis. If you treat the selection does not understand the reasons for their occurrence, this disease can only get worse.
Myth №4. About yeast can not survive.
Of course, thrush is not one of serious diseases. Many suffer discomfort that occurs in this disease, but do not do anything. Thrush can pass in and of itself. However, in some cases, it can become chronic, contributed to the emergence of cervical erosion and inflammation in the pelvic organs.