How to cure a stuffy ears

How to cure a stuffy ears
 A feeling of pressure in the ears and nasal prevents to live normally - you are hard of hearing, experiencing discomfort and headaches. To cope with the discomfort should be under medical supervision, so as not to miss the beginning of a dangerous disease.
 Diagnosis of the ear carries otolaryngologist - consult as soon as possible. The most common cause of nasal ears - the accumulation of earwax. Remove ear plugs in the hospital under a powerful jet of water. Independently you can try to soften education by instillation into the ears of hydrogen peroxide in a few days. Also with hydrogen peroxide can be used almond oil - drip one drop into the ear and cover the entrance to it with cotton. After the contents of the ear passage softens, you can try to remove the plug yourself.

Chewing movements also contribute to the promotion of ear wax, so chew hard and raw vegetables - apples, carrots, radishes, etc. You can try to soften the ear plugs in the bath or sauna, where under the influence of the pair is the destruction of a dense lump sulfur. Never attempt to remove sulfur from the ears with the help of toothpicks, cotton swabs or other sharp objects - you may damage the integrity of the eardrum.

It happens that lays the ears after the flight by plane - the difference in pressure causes the feeling of heaviness. In such cases, you can try to get rid of the stuffy, opening his mouth as wide as possible and closing it, as if yawning. Part of the pharynx can help alleviate the condition, so often try swallowing or drinking a glass of water with slow sips.

If you are sure that stuffy ears is not related to inflammatory or infectious diseases, try to blow your own ears. Pinch both nostrils with your fingers, mouth and breathe a little, take a deep breath. On the exhale, try to exhale with your mouth closed - the flow of air will rush to the auditory tube, accompanying procedure discomfort and stuffy ears pass.

If nasal rhinitis accompanied ears, the ears blow banned - it can cause inflammation of the middle ear, since the balls fall into the mucosal cavity and its cause infection. You also can not blow your nose hard and often, and is better to consult a doctor who will prescribe medication to relieve swelling and inflammation suppression.

Tags: ear, nasal, treatment