Treating back folk remedies

Treating back folk remedies
 In the vastness of the Internet and in various media are given hundreds, nay, thousands of methods by which it is possible to treat back folk remedies. Some of them are really effective, while others may not only useful, but also harm. In this article, a women's magazine JustLady tried to find out what treatment back folk remedies worth seeing, as well as to warn all readers that even the most innocuous at first glance People's treatment of the back requires the approval of a physician.

Why do we say that in some cases the treatment of back folk remedies without first visiting the doctor can be not only useless, but even harmful? The thing is that some of the methods can cure one disease, but exacerbate another. In addition, only properly delivered doctor will help determine the diagnosis is absolutely accurate treatment strategy, includingback treatment folk remedies.

Treatment of folk remedies back massage

By and large massage - it's not such a folk remedy. It has been used successfully in the official medicine for the treatment of various diseases, including back pain. Moreover, it can hardly be considered a massage at home as an effective and safe means. The spine is rather complicated, so an inexperienced person could not put pressure where needed, helping to exacerbate the disease or even the emergence of the new.

At the same time, allowed light massage movements when rubbed medicinal ointments, gels, creams.

Treating back folk remedies: warming

Warming back really helps to improve blood supply to tissues and thus helps to restore the body. There are many methods to cure by heating the back. If you have agreed with your doctor the possibility of warming up methods, choose the one that suits you more than others.

One of the most commonly used methods for treating back - dry warming. For such heating is often used ordinary sea or river sand, because it retains heat well. The sand is heated in a pan or baking sheet, then spread in a bag of linen and applied to his back in pain. Keep a dry compress need to until the sand is hot. After the procedure is necessary to wrap up the back woolen scarf.

If it is not a dry warming, we can say that has worked well as a folk remedy for backache black radish. For the application of the black radish leather back rubbed with oil, put gauze on top, and on it - shabby grated radish. Then covered with a cloth applique and a warm blanket. Keep such applique necessary before the emergence of a strong burning sensation, and after removal of the skin wipe dry with a towel and tie place to warm up or warm woolen shawl.

Another tool that is well established in the treatment of the back, is the application of the birch leaves. These leaves have a strong warming effect, so use them to get an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

Birch leaves, dried in a dry ventilated place, put on his back and fix a wide belt of tissue. When the leaves are wet, they are replaced with a new batch. In order to achieve an analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect is recommended for at least 3 treatments.

Treatment of folk remedies back bathtubs

Medicine known as therapeutic baths, which can be taken only under a doctor's care and therapeutic baths, which can be taken home, just after consulting with your doctor.

In principle, the aim of medicinal baths received in the home, such as overlaying compresses and - warming the back. It is not surprising that one of the leading positions occupied mustard bath. If there are no problems with the cardiovascular system, and the doctor did not prohibit conductback treatment folk remedies using medicinal baths, you can try the action mustard bath.

For this purpose, 100-200 grams of dry mustard diluted in warm water to a consistency of sour cream and poured into a full bath. Duration of treatment should not be more than 10-15 minutes, and after taking a bath it is necessary to take a warm shower and dry off well. After that, put on warm clothes, wool socks and lie under a blanket.

Also good against back pain, neck, spine, joints helps bath with hay dust. To prepare 1 kg. hay dust poured into a bucket of water and boil for half an hour. The resulting mixture should infuse another half hour, after which it was filtered and poured into a bath filled. After the bath must be wiped dry with a towel, get dressed and go under the warm blanket. Contraindications for taking a bath are cardiovascular and mental illness.

Treating back folk remedies: propolis and wheat germ

No, this is not for external use. Propolis or wheat germ is used internally. Propolis take in various combinations depending on the percentage of the solution. Thus, a 4% solution of propolis take twenty drops three times daily one hour before meals or two hours after. A 10% - solution was mixed in equal amounts with butter and apply while eating one tablespoon.

Wheat germ - is generally a very useful product, which has tonic properties. It turns out that it is also used as a means to strengthen bones and ligaments.

In fact, wheat sprout at home is not so difficult. To do this, washed wheat wrap in cheesecloth and pour water so that it covered the whole grains. Within a day wheat sprout. Take wheat germ must be within a month to 3 tablespoons a day on an empty stomach.

Once again, we note thatback treatment folk remedies should not preclude a visit to the doctor and the use of appropriate treatment, appointed expert. Traditional medicine should be seen more as a complementary therapy, previously agreed to by the attending physician.

Inna Dmitrieva

Tags: sheet, application, treatment, cranberries