Key indicators of inactivity - the restriction of motor activity of the body, lack of exercise, a small load on the muscles. To work the body needs activity and movement, the load on the muscles, oxygen saturation. It is needed by the body for stable operation, and this is the key to good health and good health.
What are the reasons for inactivity?
Causes of inactivity, there is a great deal. This too sedentary lifestyle, excessive use of transport too long bed rest, schoolchildren - a big load in school and insufficient sports.
The main symptoms of inactivity:
Journal JustLady recommends thinking about their health to the people who say the following symptoms:
• general weakness;
• insomnia;
• palpitations;
• fatigue even at low loads;
• nervousness, unstable emotional state.
Physical inactivity and its consequences
When a person spends most of his time in a sitting position when he lacks the necessary exercise, the muscles begin to weaken, reduced stamina and strength of a man, is developing vascular dystonia, the metabolism.Lack of exercise over time leads to changes in the musculoskeletal system: develop osteoporosis, osteoarthritis and low back pain. Affects physical inactivity and cardiovascular system (developed hypertension, ischemic heart disease), on the respiratory system (lung disease), digestive system (violation of the intestine). Disorders of the endocrine system lead to obesity. When there is a decrease inactivity force of heart contractions and decreased body weight. Additionally, attenuated arterial and venous blood vessels, which leads to a deterioration in the circulation. There are also disturbances in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats.
Deteriorating due to inactivity and the work of the brain: reduced work capacity of man, his mental activity, he quickly tired, feeling of general weakness, suffering from insomnia. As for the impact on the musculoskeletal system, the reduced muscle mass, muscle fibers occurs between the fatty layer. Muscle tone decreases disturbed posture, and this in turn leads to a displacement of internal organs. Physical inactivity and its consequences affect on the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels. So, because of her developing atherosclerosis, hypertension and varicose veins.
What to do? How does a person protect themselves fromphysical inactivity and its consequences? It is clear that this requires, first of all, to change your daily routine. Of course, we all want after a hard day immediately lie down on the sofa watching TV, and enjoy your vacation. But we must remember that our body needs to load. In addition, far more pleasant relaxation after exercise, because the body after exercise seems to be so flexible and easy. Thus, to avoid inactivity - the most common disease of the 21st century - will help physical activity.
Only the man who leads a healthy lifestyle, can escape the consequences of inactivity. What is meant by a healthy lifestyle? This is a balanced diet, more exercise, avoiding harmful habits. Believe me, even 30 minutes of daily physical activity will be very useful for you. A pedestrian walks in the fresh air all work wonders! Of course, the ideal person is recommended to do sports, go to sports clubs, fitness, swimming. But if the work takes most of the time, and this possibility is simply no, then you need just to increase physical activity. For example, if you have a dog, every day for a walk with her, and not just stand there and wait until she walk, stop using the elevator and go up to the floor on foot, do light exercises every morning. That is, the motor load must be reasonable, and then it will ensure thatlack of exercise and its consequences will not affect you.
Also, doctors recommend for the prevention of physical inactivity to drink plenty of fluids - teas, fruit drinks and juices. Doubly useful to drink fruit and vegetable juices - they will help strengthen the immune system. As for food, it must be balanced - more fruits and vegetables, honey and lemon useful. Is very important and a good rest - a person should sleep at least eight hours. Over time, you will notice that your health has improved. It is indeed possible - to have good health and a beautiful figure, just need a little perseverance, will and desire to change your life. Terms for all of this is at each of us, we just need to take advantage of!
Alice Terentyeva