How to take a severe headache

How to take a severe headache
 Headache - a painful syndrome that can be both a symptom of the disease, as well as a separate disease. According to statistics, about 15% of humanity periodically suffer from severe headaches. The most common species include its tension headache, migraine and cluster headache. How to recognize the type of headache and quickly remove it?
 Migraine - a very painful disease, which is accompanied by a series of associated symptoms: nausea, vomiting, chills, photosensitivity, rejection of certain odors. A special feature of migraine - throbbing pain spread only on the right or left side of the head. Sometimes this disease occurs aura - neurological symptoms, such as speech difficulty, tingling in the fingers, change of coordination of movements, blind spots, etc.

People who have migraines often, over time, usually selected for a number of activities to help deal with the pain. Someone helps sleep in a darkened room, the other - massage and hot strong tea. In addition, migraine can recommend hot or cold compress on the painful area of ​​the head (the temperature of the compress is necessary to define the feelings - at which it becomes easier), analgesics, paracetamol or ibuprofen. When severe pain well help analgesics combined with caffeine or codeine. However, be aware that these funds are addictive and can cause headaches cancel. With a very strong migraine symptoms and maladjustment, it makes sense to take the drug from the group of triptans, which are specially designed for the relief of migraine: Zomig, Relpaks, Imigran or Naramig.

One of the most common types of headaches - tension headache that can last from several minutes to several days. Among the causes of this type of pain - fatigue, stress, prolonged stress. A special feature of this headache - feeling of tightness hoop head, accompanied by tension in the muscles of the forehead, temples, back of the head and neck. Unlike migraine, tension headache is transferred much easier, and to her relief at the initial stage is sometimes enough to sleep or lie down. For severe pain, doctors recommend analgesics or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: naproxen, ibuprofen, ketoprofen, or Ketorolac. In addition to drugs, to remove a headache help massage, acupuncture and aromatherapy.

Cluster headache is common and is rarely found mostly in men. As with migraine, it only affects half of the head. The pain is very sharp and painful. As a rule, it is accompanied by a feeling of nasal half of the nose (on the same side where the headache), and the pressure in the eye, which he blushes and tears. The patient during an attack feels anxiety, torn, crying, screaming. It's about a pain say that it wants to beat the wall finished. Pain can trigger a cluster of stress, travel, job changes or regime. Cupping cluster pain prescribe inhaled 100% oxygen for 15 minutes, a cold compress to the painful area, acupuncture, sedatives, sleeping pills. For fast relief of pain using drugs from the group of triptans in the form of nasal sprays. At the beginning of the cluster can help nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs in combination with caffeine.

Please be aware that if the headache is accompanied by seizures, confusion, rash, high fever, severe vomiting and increased tension in your neck, not giving her a bend, it may be a symptom of a dangerous disease and should seek medical attention immediately.

Tags: pain, migraine, tension headache, treatment