How to stop the bleeding after tooth extraction

How to stop the bleeding after tooth extraction
 After removal of the tooth is injured tissue surrounding it. Broken blood vessels that nourish the tooth, and ligaments to hold it. If removal was difficult, maybe even traumatized bone. Immediately after extraction profuse bleeding occurs.
 Stops bleeding from the hole tooth dentist by applying to the wound a tight wad of sterile cotton or gauze and offer the patient to bite him. Swab should keep for 15-20 minutes. During this time, usually formed by a blood clot that covers the wound and stop the bleeding.

In the case where the bleeding has not stopped, the doctor plugging the hole, filling her tight hemostatic drugs. In some cases, severe bleeding even have stitches.

Coming out of the dentist's office after tooth extraction, do not forget about the doctor's recommendations:

- Eat only 3 hours after tooth extraction;
- Do not smoke for 5 hours after tooth pulled;
- Observe the physical rest that day, when you remove the tooth (not lift weights, do not bend);
- Do not take a hot bath, do not worry and do not eat a hot meal a day tooth extraction;
- Within days after you pulled the tooth, not rinse your mouth. The next day you can gently rinse your mouth with warm water and furatsilina, manganese or chlorhexidine;
- The next day after surgery can remove brush your teeth, but do it with caution on the side of the tooth torn.

In certain cases, the extracted tooth from the hole may later be re-bleeding. This happens when you delete a complex, blood clotting, high blood pressure, dilation of small blood vessels, injured when removing tooth decay blood clot, as well as failure to comply with the doctor's recommendations.

To stop bleeding:

- Made of thick gauze swab and dab a small hole to the teeth, biting it (the swab should be slightly higher than the adjacent teeth);
- Sit or lie down with closed teeth, calm down and relax;
- If the bleeding does not stop, it threatens a large blood loss, consult your dentist or any hospital, where there is a surgical ward.

In cases of high blood pressure or bleeding disorders are often required not only local methods stop the blood, but also common treatments.

Tags: blood, teeth, Ambassador, bleeding, removal, extraction