How to reduce the tonsils

How to reduce the tonsils
 Tonsils are the first obstacle to the penetration of pathogens, and they often become a hotbed of chronic infection, making it difficult for any colds. Hypertrophied tonsils can be reduced by surgery or conservative.
 At the first sign of disease (fever, sore throat or mild redness of the tissues of the throat) should immediately take action - start gargling with antiseptic and anti-inflammatory solutions. Gargle with enlarged tonsils can be any disinfectant solution - a decoction of chamomile, sage, an aqueous solution of soda and salt or furatsilina. Rinse should be regular and quality - throws his head back as far as possible, dial solution and gargle loudly pronouncing the letter "a." Well reduces the size of the tonsils broth celandine - gargle three times a day.

After rinsing useful to lubricate the enlarged tonsils Lugol's solution, glycerol antibacterial solutions or aloe juice - dip a sterile cotton swab in the liquid (or soak the gauze-wrapped finger) and treated fabrics.

Methods of conservative treatment has a high efficiency washing gaps tonsils antiseptic solution (potassium permanganate, boric acid, furatsilinom). After the procedure, the introduction of a gap of antibacterial drugs. Physical therapy procedures (irradiation of ultraviolet lamp, processing nodes VHF) are often used as part of combination therapy with a decrease in the tonsils. Sometimes the appointment of an adequate dose of antihistamine relieves swelling of the tonsils.

Surgical treatment of enlarged tonsils is to conduct tonzillotomii - an operation to reduce the enlarged lymphoid tissue. The whole procedure takes no more than three or four days - preparation for surgery, amputation of tissues and rehabilitation period. Reduce the tonsils in several ways:

Removal of the tonsils by means of the wire loop and scissors - cut fabric, amygdala husks. The method is fraught with heavy blood loss and is not applicable if the structure of the tonsils requires a special approach.

- Electrocoagulation - the impact on the fabric of high frequency current.
- Removal of tonsillar tissue by means of ultrasonic vibrations.
- Use of Radio knife.
- The use of an infrared laser.
- Removal of the tonsils by means of carbon laser.
- Mikrodebrider.

The choice of method depends on the reduction of the tonsils organ structure, some features of the patient and the judgment of the attending physician.

Tags: inflammation of the tonsils