How to cure inflammation of the uterus

How to cure inflammation of the uterus
 Inflammation of the uterus is a serious disease. No treatment gives rise to complications. Typically, the process begins with the treatment of enhancing immune functions, which is removed directly after the inflammation of the uterus.
 The causes of the inflammatory process in the uterus are poorly performed abortions, obstructed labor, chronic diseases of the female genitals (vagina, fallopian tubes, ovaries), the presence of sexually transmitted diseases. Symptoms may include pain in the groin, fever, purulent vaginal discharge (sometimes with blood corpuscles), weakness.

In order to strengthen the protective function of the body it is advisable to take a multivitamin, decoctions of herbs, active lifestyle, eat right. Due to this, the body is able to fight on their own with various viruses, sources of infection.

Treatment of inflammation include douching, herbal medicine, baths and other treatments. Depending on the kind of inflammation (endometritis, vulvitis, salpingitis, Andechs, cystitis, etc.) apply different methods of treatment. To use douches decoction of oak bark, cuff, marshmallow root, elm bark. You can use aloe juice or sea buckthorn oil, which is impregnated with a cotton swab and inserted into the vagina.

Endometritis is an inflammation of the mucous membrane of the uterus, which is due to the entry of the infection during abortion, birth or other operations on the genitals. That the disease is not spilled over into a more serious form, and did not result in negative consequences, it is advisable to follow a policy of reception antiseptics.

When vulvitis is necessary to define a kind of microorganism. After that antibiotics are used for topical application. Should follow a diet: eliminate fatty, salty and spicy food, and increase the amount of consumption of greens, fresh fruits and vegetables, dairy products.

In order to prevent you must keep track of intimate genital hygiene, especially during menstruation. This allows enough time to destroy the carriers of infection and preserve women's health.

Tags: uterus, process, treatment, inflammation, body hygiene