How to check the small intestine

How to check the small intestine
 Today in medicine, there are many methods to investigate the structure of the intestine. They make it possible to diagnose the disease, to detect a tumor, intestinal obstruction, systemic tissue damage.
 Most often for the study of the small intestine using X-ray method, which can detect obstruction, gastrointestinal bleeding, perforation of the small intestine. The indications for this study can be patient complaints of frequent abdominal pain, problems with the formation and elimination of stool, signs of internal bleeding, anemia without apparent reason. To obtain more accurate results in the research process may be used contrast agent.

One of the most common methods of testing for the presence of intestinal diseases is endoscopy. This procedure is performed using a special machine - endoscope, which allows to inspect the inner wall of the small intestine. Furthermore, this method provides an opportunity to study tissue biopsies.

Computed tomography is typically used when testing for the presence of small intestinal tumors. During this procedure, using a special machine is a few pictures of the intestine in different planes, which allows the computer to recreate three-dimensional image. This method of research can be used as a preventive measure.

A completely new way of checking the small intestine is ultrasound. This method has several important advantages. He is unable to damage the lining of the intestine, gives precise information about the thickness of the walls, on the state of the vessels, as well as an opportunity to assess the state of the lymph nodes. This procedure only lasts 10 minutes and is absolutely harmless. Unfortunately, this method is not new, and find the right equipment is not so simple.

Is considered very effective and endoscopy via video. The patient's body attached special sensors, after which the patient swallows a small capsule with a video camera. This arrangement allows you to take pictures of the small intestine for 8 hours. All shooting is recorded on a special receiver attached to the waist of the patient. In order to have high quality images and are not distorted, intestines must be empty.

Tags: study disease