How to calm a bad cough

How to calm a bad cough
 Often people complain of severe coughing. Cough - a reaction to light any irritation. If cough should see a doctor to rule out serious disease causing the cough. If the cause is not too serious, cough can be treated with traditional medicine.
 Causes of cough a lot. It can be a symptom of allergies. This disease can cause all sorts of chemicals, cigarette smoke, dust. It can also be a sign of serious illness: pneumonia, bronchitis, tuberculosis, etc..

To get rid of severe coughing, you can apply some of the recipes of traditional medicine. Very good tool is considered milk with soda. In a glass of hot milk, add one teaspoon of baking soda and mix well. Drink warm one sip every 10-15 minutes. Can also be a glass of warm water add four drops of iodine and drink in small sips.

In bronchial cough can be prepared following extract: a liter of water, add 50 grams of honey, 500 grams of finely chopped onions, 400 grams of sugar. Thoroughly mix all ingredients and put to boil on low heat. Cook for three hours. Cool, strain and pour in some capacity. Broth take a tablespoon five times a day. Keep refrigerated.

With a strong cough and help black radish. Take a large root, wash it. Carefully cut off the top and spoon scraped a small depression. It put a tablespoon of honey. Thus prepared radish put on the plate. The next day at the plate appear juice. Take it one tablespoon before meals. Cough pass quickly.

Excellent remedy for cough - burnt sugar. In a small enamel bowl pour 100 grams of sugar and place on a small fire. When the sugar darkens, pour into it 50 grams of vodka, cover and immediately turn off the gas. After five minutes the stirring means until sugar is dissolved. Taken three times a day for one teaspoon. If cough persists for two weeks, be sure to visit the doctor.

Tags: means, cough