Hormonal failure: causes and symptoms

Hormonal failure: causes and symptoms
 Hormonal disruptions in women happen often enough. Sometimes, the fair sex are not even aware of the causes and symptoms of these problems or treat them lightly. And this is fraught with serious diseases.
 Among the causes hormonal disruptions can be transferred infections: chlamydia, syphilis, trichomoniasis, and others. In addition, the cause of such problems can be infection, reduced immunity, such as influenza, tonsillitis and acute respiratory disease, and some diseases - uterine fibroids, breast cysts, polycystic ovaries.

Disturbance to the functioning of the endocrine system is the direct cause hormonal disruptions. This may be adrenal disease, thyroid or pancreas. Operation, especially in the female internal organs, and the strongest provocateurs problems with hormonal.

Genetic predisposition to problems in the body's hormonal system requires careful observation of doctors since almost always require treatment. Stress and nervous breakdowns may cause a malfunction of hormone production. Some periods in a woman's life, such as puberty, pregnancy, childbirth and menopause, involve changes in hormonal levels. It is in these times especially frequent failures.

Symptoms of hormonal disruption can be very different. In some cases, they are similar to other diseases such as diseases of the joints, headaches, digestive disorders.

In women, it is first necessary to pay attention to the regularity and painful periods, breast development, the presence of bleeding in the middle of the cycle and problems with pregnancy and childbirth. To the doctor should be consulted if severe symptoms of PMS, constant fatigue, depression, frequent awakenings at 4-5 o'clock in the morning, when the hormones decreases.

About increased thyroid function tells dramatic weight loss, accompanied by wanton elevated temperatures, sweating, tremor of fingers, nervousness, mood disorders and sleep.

Obesity can occur when too many endocrine diseases. If a sharp increase in the weight comes amid decreasing appetite, general weakness, dry skin, it can be assumed decreased thyroid function.

Itching, constant thirst, slow-healing wounds, boils and frequent urination are terrible symptoms of diabetes. Additional symptoms - fatigue, weight fluctuations, fatigue.

Excessive hair growth on the body often indicates a problem in the gonads. Additional features of this pathology - oily skin, dandruff, acne, menstrual disorders and fertility.

Purple stretch marks on the skin of the abdomen, breasts and thighs can warn of disorder in the hypothalamic-pituitary and adrenal glands. Accompanied by an increase in body hair is a violation, low immunity, obesity, face and neck, shoulders, back and abdomen.

Symptoms of acromegaly - a change of facial features that become rough and broad expansion of the tongue and lips. This disease develops in the excessive formation of somatotropin, a hormone produced by the hypothalamus.

Blurred vision and headaches can talk about pituitary tumors. Characteristic symptom of this disease - loss of the temporal visual fields.

Hormonal disruptions require compulsory treatment. Be attentive to your body and do not pull an address to the doctor - small disturbances can develop into a serious disease.

Tags: disease, symptom, cause failure