Cough: how to get rid of his home quickly

Cough: how to get rid of his home quickly
 Cough - a phenomenon very unpleasant. He not only reduce the total well-being, but also prevents him deal with the usual chores. Most often, the cough is the companion of colds, to which many people are very lightly. And for good reason. After all, time has not cured the common cold, and with it the cough can cause the development of a wide variety of complications.
 Before attempting to get rid of a cough, you need to determine its type. The cough may be dry or wet.
Methods for the treatment of various different kinds of cough.

How to get rid of dry cough

The occurrence of dry cough provoked sore throat. Moreover, mucus and sputum is absent, so dry, strongly debilitating human cough is considered completely ineffective, and should get rid of it as quickly as possible.

One of the most effective means of eliminating dry cough is considered to be holding various inhalation. Implement them, you can use a special device - an inhaler cough. In his absence, you can use the old "old-fashioned" way, for which we need a pan with the prepared solution and dense cover.

The most effective means for inhalation able to save people from dry cough, are: solution of sage and eucalyptus solution. They are easy to prepare even at home. To do this, put it in a liter of boiling water, two tablespoons of chopped herbs of sage and eucalyptus leaves, insist broth for 20 minutes and start inhalation.

Quick to get rid of dry cough can be achieved with a warm drink. Excellent effect has boiled milk in combination with honey, soda and butter. For best results, take this drink should be several times a day.

Good help from dry cough mixture of grated raw potatoes and honey, you want to take a teaspoon every hour for five days. Even if the cough disappears before treatment should be continued.

How to get rid of the wet cough

Wet cough is characterized by copious sputum, promotes excretion of various respiratory germs, viruses and bacteria.

Despite what is called wet cough productive, it, as well as dry and require proper and timely treatment.
There are many recipes of traditional medicine that can help with this kind of cough.

Quite effective in a broth made from a liter of water, two tablespoons of grass mother and stepmother, the same amount of marshmallow and a tablespoon rosemary marsh, take to be on half of glass several times a day.

Quickly get rid of wet cough to help the mixture of five tablespoons of honey and the same amount of crushed leaves of aloe. Means should take one tablespoon five times a day until complete disappearance of the cough.

Eliminate wet cough can and using a mixture of pre-cooked and frayed viburnum berries and honey, taken in equal proportions, which should take one teaspoon per day.

Although there are many ways to get rid of cough, the most correct decision in the case of this disease is a visit to the doctor. Only a specialist can identify the cause of the cough and prescribe the most effective treatment.

Tags: cough, dry