9 reasons for painful sex

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 Very many of the fair sex periodically experiencing discomfort during intercourse. Afraid to admit her man in this, they are forced to endure pain in silence. To do do not need to, because I prefer both partners should experience pleasure. There are several causes of pain during sex, and the number of ways to get rid of it.

1. You feel a sharp pain in the left or right side at the moment of deep penetration partner. Menstruation is accompanied by a dull ache.

Possible cause - ovarian cyst. It is found in over 80% of women before menopause. In large part the cyst is harmless and goes away in three months, but you should see a specialist, he will do an exam to confirm the diagnosis and re-appointed reception, if the pain does not go away after 3 months.

2. You constantly feel itching in the genital area, and after intercourse vulva red.

Possible cause - a fungal infection, increased sensitivity of the skin. Consult your doctor, follow their prescribed treatments. If you have an infection, he will prescribe the drug course. If the problem is the increased sensitivity of the skin, it is recommend to use hypoallergenic laundry detergent underwear.

3. Continuous pain in the perineum during the entire intercourse.

The reason - the postnatal injury. After birth, due to rupture or dissection appear scars, pain may occur during sex for 3 months. In this case, to help massage scar tissue. If after 3 months scars will not go away, you need to have surgery.

4.Vo intercourse member encounters an obstacle, urination is frequent, there is pain during menstruation.

Possible cause - fibroma. Tumors of the uterus may occur in 40% of women 30-40 years old. Urgently need to see a doctor, he will determine the size of the tumor and scheduled for surgery.

5.Vo time there is a feeling of intimacy increased friction.

You probably have not enough lubrication, it happens at lower levels of estrogen. It is recommended to use water-based lubricants.

6.Promezhnost constantly burning, you experience pain during sex, as well as the introduction of a tampon.

The reason - vulvovaginitis. Usually it affects not only the vagina, but also all the genitals. Recommended intake antidipresantov since doctors refer it to the diseases of psycho-somatic. However, to visit a specialist still necessary.

7. When excited in one of the lips of the vagina appears a burning pain. Or feel smaller tumors.
Possible cause - inflammation of the Bartholin gland. The need for surgery. During wound healing is recommended to refrain from sexual intercourse for 2-3 weeks.

8.Postoyannaya pain that occurs during deep penetration. Distributed throughout the pelvic area.

Possible cause - a symptom of endometriosis. You need to see a doctor, or can be infertility. Doctor to determine the degree of danger and prescribe surgical procedures.

9.Pri intercourse in the hips there is an acute pain. Often painful urination.

Possible cause: urinary tract infection. Consult your doctor to get a confirmation or denial of the presence of infection. When confirming he will appoint a course of antibiotics.

Do not forget that all problems have solutions, the main time to notice them.

Tags: time, pain, sex, cause penetration